Colleges. HELP ME!

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This is a quick ass update. I swear after this, I'll go back to making regular, longer chapters. This one is fairly simple and opinion based so I need EVERY ONE TO PARTICIPATE

Well it's not that deep but still. I need some help.

Anyways, I am a junior in high school. #CO2018 😛 As you all may know, this year is usually the most stressful. You have ALL these tests and you are basically planning out our future. This is truly your last chance to pull up your grades and make colleges want to accept you.

I don't even know what I want to do. I took personality tests and I fall more towards the business majors. I have an uncle in law who's an accountant. I've been trying to talk to him for advice to see if it's a career I want.

The biggest issue is I don't know what school to attend. I know in state tuition is way cheaper, but colleges in my state don't appeal to me at ALL. The only school I would consider is Winthrop. That's it 😒 but Winthrop is like a last option for me

Now I know y'all thinking how does this relate to this book? Well, first of all, this is my shit so if it bothers you that I put this in here, kiss a dick 😚

Second and most importantly, I really really really really REALLY want to go to an HBCU. 😩 they are so lit and they have so much history. It wouldn't bother me to go to a PWI (predominantly white institute) but it has to have diversity.

I know Winthrop falls in that category which appealed to me. Plus their cafe food is so fucking good yo 👏 I feel like at a HBCU, I'm not just some regular degular minority student.

Like I previously mentioned, I am not racist, anti-white or whatever, but every time I turn around, I don't wanna be the only chocolate chip in the cookie. Ijs😕

I really like Howard University but it's far asf, too expensive, and I feel like I don't meet the academic standards enough to be accepted and receive a scholarship 😭

What colleges do you want to go to? What are some good HBCU's? What major would you pursue and why?

And if you are already a college student, drop some advice for me and everyone else here.

Hell, if you choose not to go to college, tell me what you'll do instead and why college isn't right for you. I don't judge.

I just wanna go to college to receive a great education, get that awesome experience, and hopefully become successful. Especially financial wise. I have big goals

Also, since the national average salary is about 51k (annually), what's too small of an income to you? Should income matter when choosing a major or career? That's another problem I have. I think 60k-70k is too little but maybe I'm tripping

Please respond and help me out. I need it.

Sincerely, an indecisive, picky, broke ass black girl from the South 😭

And don't judge me if I said broke bc my parents can't pay for my school. Either I get a scholarship or my ass ain't going to college. That shit ain't cheap bihh 😩

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