Transitioning Hair

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Thank God this is no longer my struggle. Since June 8th, I have been relaxer free. I have been wearing my natural hair out for about a month now.

I have my ups and downs, but I love my curl pattern. It feels good to be reunited with my natural curls again. *audience clap*

Anywho, there was sooo many struggles I had to go through while I was transitioning. Lemme list a few.

The two obviously different textures in your hair

Having puffy roots but straight ends? Eeew, no thanks. In most circumstances, it was kinda hard to blend the two. Sometimes that twist out doesn't wanna cooperate. Sometimes the puffy roots don't wanna be straightened.

Thats why I mostly wore my hair in a bun or go box braids as I was transitioning. My hair did grow pretty fast, but once I did the big chop, I had lost a significant amount.

Fighting the urge to relax again

Maybe its just me, but sometimes when I transition, I feel the urge to go back to relaxer. I remember I went 5 months without a relaxer, and before I knew it, I went and got another relaxer.

*blinks eyes repeatedly* wtf was I thinking? Well, at least I didn't have the overlapping perm problem. Ever.

Constantly blowdrying my hair
Maybe this is just me again, but when I transition, I liked to blow dry my hair because it made the hair look more like one texture. Plus, I had the whole big hair, Diana Ross effect which I LOVE. ♥

I don't/rarely flat iron my hair (even in my relaxed days surprisingly) but my blow dryer is my best friend. I tend to take a few breaks from her, but I love her. She makes me look and feel amazing.

The urge to go natural and cut all your hair off.

Whenever I got even just a lil bit of curls, I wanted to cut all my hair off. Everytime I saw a curly afro, I started to regret my decision of getting a perm in the first place.

Although I do love my hair, I get very self conscious about it. I always feel it could look better, be longer, have less coily curls, allat. Maybe it's the whole self critizing thing. Ion know.

I know I probably missed some, so share some of your transitioning struggles. I might do a relaxed and natural struggle since I have experienced all. How does that sound? Lemme know, or else I won't make any. As you know, everything I make is for y'all. ♥

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