N Word 2.0

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So before I start, I just wanna say thank you to everyone who subscribes to my channel. I appreciate it. If you wanna subscribe, check out the link on my profile.


So a lot of y'all been lowkey tryna drag my ass for the last N Word chapter and my views have changed, so I'm making a new chapter. However, that chapter is in the beginning so I'm sure most will fail to even make it to this page. I'm also working on school stuff so idk when ill be able to New a chapter 😒

In a nutshell, I do not like the n word. I don't like to use it and I don't like hearing it. Some reasons are more obvious and others are not. 

First of all, can I just comment on the overwhelming amount of non-black ppl using that word. I've had a few friends that constantly use that word. i check them on it and they ask like they don't understand why it's such a bad word. Like mfs, have y'all not seen the bullshit that's been going on lately?

I feel like the n word is EXTREMELY overused. Everyone uses it for every occasion. I don't understand the fascination.

Second, the word literally was meant to be negative. Why are we even using it like it's something regular? Ugh I don't get it. 

It is a bit cringy when black ppl use it too, but it's not that bad. At the end of the day,we all niggas. He call me a nigga, it falls right back on him.

I don't like using it and I try not to, but when I do, I usually use it to prove a point. Like trying to explain to all of my dear black folks that no matter what we accomplish in life, we all still niggas trying to get our 40 acres and a mule. That makes the most sense. 

I hope what I said makes sense y'all. I don't want to make this chapter long bc I'm trying to evaluate my life and decisions. I am posting this quick update now bc I will be too busy tomorrow to do it. As you know, homecoming is tomorrow. 

Feel free to reflect in the comments as long as it's respectful and non-racist. And btw, I see damn near every comment in my notifications, so don't think you can say something slick and not get dragged. Some of y'all newcomers be trying it. I'm not the one sis and sir. :)

This chapter was quick but significant. Only posted just to make a statement so don't try to crucify me. Thanks 

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