Do You Agree?

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Do you agree with the picture? I also screenshotted the comments underneath the pic that spoke GOSPEL TRUTH and VOLUMES to me. In all honesty, I agree.

I wore my hair in an afro last week at school and got ridiculed by some kids for it. And guess what?

The same ppl that made fun of me was black themselves. Well, black males.

That's self hate. You look at me and laugh, but yet when you look in the mirror, we're the same.

And let's not even go there about how society and social media glorifies mixed girls with their wavy curls, yet shames black girls with their kinky hair. Even black people have been brainwashed into believing that that's the epitome of beauty.

Boy bye! You are gorgeous! Your hair is unique and gorgeous! Fuck society! Rock that fro! Don't feel ashamed.

I damn sure ain't. I love my hair. I love my curl pattern. I love my afro. I love my roots.

I love my blackness. ✊ #blackpower

Please leave new suggestions/topics in the comments section. What y'all want me to talk about? What should I do?

Talk about the injustices of black women?

Talk about the controversy with cultural appropriation and the "trendy" hairstyles?

Or talk about the skin shaming when it comes to the different shades of black ppl?

Or this whole lightskin vs. Darkskin stuff?

Lemme know which one you want. Suggest another if you want. And also check out my other rant book entitled Talking Spit and my book dedicated to dark skin girls titled The Blacker the Berry. I'd appreciate it.

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