Bullying and Insecurities

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Merry Christmas motherfuckers! I decided that as a Christmas gift, I would actually upload relevant content on this book. Not only that, but I'm updating ALL of my books today. 

So for those of you who read TBTB, I got a long waiting surprise for y'all. I will try to finish that by today bc I really wanna binge watch YouTube videos today and watch Selma on Hulu. 

Oh yeah, comment down below some good Hulu original series shows to watch. I know they have a few but I don't know which one to watch. Anyways, let's go on with the real tea of the day. 

As previously stated, I and just about any other black person reading this, has experienced some type of bullying or insecurities about their natural features. The main insecurities most blacks have deals with their hair, nose, lips, or even curves (that ass). 

My hair was never a problem until recently and my nose just became a problem to me in like 7th grade. It kinda doesn't bother me anymore bc it doesn't seem as big as it was before but that mf grew. Like it was so fucking HUGE. I shit you not. It was like the biggest thing on my face. 

Anybody who has seen what I look like could probably agree or disagree. Idk. If you have seen me, you kinda know what I'm talking about. Or maybe I'm tripping. 

Tbh, maybe I am bc nobody else seems to have a problem with it. Like they don't think it's a big deal (no pun intended lol). The only ppl who seemed to gaf was niggas who either liked me or was tryna get the goodies. Obviously my nose is not that big if you constantly riding my dick son. 

My lips were always full. See, I don't say big, I say full. Them mfs always was sexy and despite what other blacks have went through, I never was self conscious about it. I always thought they were beautiful. Tbh, I don't think they're that big but other ppl think they're large. 

Fuck them tbh. 

Now, my hair...it's another story. I be preaching to y'all to love thy self but bitch, I be struggling to appreciate my shits. It's so weird and unpredictable. It never does what I want it to do. I can at least account for my hair being thick and healthy which was never a problem of mine. Thick and healthy is always a good thing. 

And last year when I wore an afro to school for the first time, ppl would look at me like I was a fucking walking freak show. It really fucked with my self esteem y'all. Geez, it was terrible. And then one day my hair shrunk due to the humidity and I looked a hot mess. I was emotionally unstable then (when am I not? All jokes aside)

I don't even know how to fix my own hair. I can't do it but I will learn. I am sick of always wearing crochet braids and whenever I do wear my real hair, it's in a childish ass hairstyle. I'll talk more about this in a future rant. 

And whoever said that jumbo havana twists or even crochet hair in general should be left in 2016, your mother should've swallowed you. Point black period. Fight me if you fstow lol. That style looks good asf on me. It's in my permit picture WITH my glasses off. That picture is surprisingly decent tho deadass.

What about that ass? If you've been reading my shit for the longest, you know I don't have ass. If ppl gotta problem with your donk, tell them to kiss your ass. Fuck em. 

But yeah, moral of the story, love thy self. Stop fucking listening to other ppl talking shit. Bitches be quick to talk shit behind your back but call you pretty to your face tho *sips on tea*

Anyways typing on this computer is kinda uncomfortable so I'm out. Plus I don't have emojis so this commentary is hella awkward. I'm out. Deuces.

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