I'm sorry guys

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I know you guys were probably expecting an update this weekend or whatever but I had some really sad shit happen to me on Sunday.

One of my closest friends passed away on Sunday. My bff and I are trying to stay strong and use each other for support, but it's such a difficult time. I don't know when I'll get to update, but this weekend probably won't be a good time since the funeral is Saturday.

I would love for you guys to send me encouraging stuff just to keep my spirits up. If you don't want to, then that's fine as well. I just wanted to let you guys know what's going on in my life rn.

If you are waiting for a YouTube video, I can probably make one next week. Either Wednesday or on the weekend. I owe you guys like 3 videos so I will definitely make those.

I'm so sorry you guys. I am just an emotional mess rn. Please bare with me as I try to get through such a depressing moment.

YouTube: Kween Kimi
Twitter: kweenkimi
Snapchat and Instagram: Kween.kimi

Don't be afraid to add me. And also if you guys have ever lost a close friend or a family member that was very close to you (even a family member that was close in age with you), share your story with me. Give me tips on how to cope with this tragedy and how you kept your friend's memory alive. 😪

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