Attack on Muslims

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I just wanted to speak on this bc it's been happening a lot recently and it just pisses me off. Plus, there are so many ppl that think that I only care about issues involving black Americans and their struggles which is completely false. I'm so sick of y'all who act like that tbh 😒

Lemme start off by saying it's completely unjust to kill someone based on background and/or religious origin. Period. And the most tragic part about it is these are CHILDREN that are being killed. Innocent young kids. And they're close to my age so it alarms me.

I'm pretty sure you guys heard about the attack of the 17 year old girl. Correct me if I'm wrong but she was beaten to death after completing her monthly Ramadan. Sorry if I'm wrong guys I'm not entirely sure.

Anyways so this ignorant fuck kills this girl for absolutely no reason. I truly don't understand this whole war on religion. Let ppl believe in what they want, but the fact that she did nothing wrong besides following her beliefs and was brutally murdered behind it PISSES ME OFF.

I don't even want to start going in on religion, bc I swear I will hurt many ppl feelings. On some real G shit. Btw, I'm not religious at all but I respect others for their beliefs. But goddamn it, I've have ENOUGH. Especially dealing with Christians but imma seriously bite my tongue.

They might kill me if I speak out ☕️☕️ since apparently that's what they do. They preach the words of not judging  yet judge and kill others who don't follow their word. Interesting ☕️

Back on topic, the young lady's family threw a memorial for her and someone tried to set it on fire. Then they tried to cause more trouble at her funeral by setting fire. That broke my heart. It's bad enough that she was slaughtered. Her family can't peacefully put their baby girl to rest?

Then recently a young 16 year old Muslim was murdered. And for what reason shall you ask? NOT A DAMN ONE. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I'm tired. Like wtf is going on in the world? What's going on? What is y'all doing? I'm  just baffled. Someone please explain

I'm already enraged that the police officer involving the shooting of Philando was found not guilty. The justice system is extremely fucked. To all fellow blacks out there, including myself, please be careful and stay conscious. Y'all see that they're killing us with full evidence and no reason but still get off. Please keep an eye out guys. I'm truly scared and worried for us all.

To all the fellow Muslims or ppl affiliated with the religion and beliefs since I'm not entirely sure how that specific religion works, please be safe. It's a shame that you can't even mind your business and live your life without being harassed and killed. I'm worried and scared for you all. Please watch your back. I don't want this to be a continuous thing.

I should do the next few chapters speaking specifically on recent racist encounters in the world. Who would like to see that? Comment below. I wanna add actual evidence so y'all can see what I'm talking about.

Also when them snowflakes be tryna comment on my shit and speak on something they don't know shit about, I can slam the Facts down their throat and tell them to kiss my natural, stretch marked, black ass 😘

I wanted to rant about this but I'm just too disgusted to even continue. It makes me sick. I'll step up my game in the next few updates.

If you find something you want me to speak about, send it to me via social media. Instagram and Snapchat name is @kween.kimi

Twitter @kweenkimi and check out the content on my YouTube channel. The name is Kween Kimi. Give some feedback and constructive criticism. I want to make sure that I create the best content for you all.

See y'all in the next update. ✌🏽

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