The Dumbass Award Goes To...

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I'm sorry y'all. I really be trying not to be mean but ppl deadass be pushing it. More specifically when it comes to my earlier posts in this book. My opinion be having hella ppl shooketh and just in shambles.

Everyone comes for me about how I am a racist and white girls wearing braids is something that should be praised. According to them, after all white ppl invented having straight hair so if we straighten ours, we are hypocrites and appropriate white culture 🙃

But see, what we not gon do is play dumb. I swear ppl just be overlooking the whole point. Then when I mention it, ppl wanna clap back and get rude.

Bitch watch your fucking mouth when you speak to me

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Bitch watch your fucking mouth when you speak to me. Don't try it. Acting like I'm a lunatic, I know wtf I'm talking about. I am a black woman and I experience everything I write in this book. Don't you dare tell me how to express my inner anger and black thoughts. Don't silence me with your white privilege and steps to overlook racism.

I 👏🏽 AM 👏🏽 NOT 👏🏽 HERE 👏🏽 FOR 👏🏽 IT 👏🏽👏🏽

I am an unapologetic black woman who just express how I feel and state the obvious. If that bothers you, I obviously strike a nerve and there has to be some truth behind what I say.

And as for you black bitches that don't comprehend and coon around, suck my ass. Fuck y'all tbh.

Anyways, this lil white girl tried tf out of me and I am now legitimately confused. I seriously need y'all help explaining and cracking this Morse code of bullshit

 I seriously need y'all help explaining and cracking this Morse code of bullshit

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How in the natural blue fuck is black not a stolen culture? Black culture has been being stolen since the minute them wypipo threw our asses on them raggedy ass boats and forced us across the water

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How in the natural blue fuck is black not a stolen culture? Black culture has been being stolen since the minute them wypipo threw our asses on them raggedy ass boats and forced us across the water

BITCH BYE! There are literally so many examples of times when black culture has been appropriated and stolen. I understand when you're white you look at things different than a black person, but don't fucking sit here and act clueless. You know exactly wtf I'm talking about.

I genuinely dont understand why ppl believe that you HAVE TO be black to comprehend the meanings behind my chapters. I usually look at things from a right or wrong perspective. Take race out and the underlying issue is still there.

Dumb ass broads. Why ppl come on here and act so fucking smart when really you sound dumb as hell? Sit that ass down. As if I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. Bitch you not even black so you don't have 1/8 of a clue what I go through and how I feel. Fuck outta here.

And I wish one of you Becky bitches come for me and call me dumb. Try it bitch. I never been a stupid hoe. I am taking AP, honors and dual credit classes WITH a 3.8 GPA. Mama ain't raise a dumb dirty knee bitch like you 🤷🏽‍♀️

Anyways to all the black mamas and everyone else who comprehends English and racism, comment down below and explain what she means and how black culture gets stolen

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Anyways to all the black mamas and everyone else who comprehends English and racism, comment down below and explain what she means and how black culture gets stolen. And tag her in this so she can see.

Y'all fuck with my social medias. 🤙🏾

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