Chapter 35

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Claire's POV

I walked out of the hospital holding Drake and Kendra's hands. I'm so glad to be going home now.

We kept walking but I felt like someone was staring at me? it kind of made me uncomfortable.

We got to the car and piled in.

"So, I know where we should go tonight to celebrate you coming home!" Kendra smiled excitedly.

"Um.. I'm not in the mood to go anywhere but home.. Sorry.." I frowned.

"Well, it could take your mind off things, Claire.." She smiled with sympathy clearly showing in her eyes.

I nodded and the asked, "well... Where?"

Drake and Kendra both smile and then Drake said, "The new club. I know we go to the other one a lot, so we found a different one!"

"AND it is newly built!!" Kendra smiled widely.

I just don't know.. I'm not sure I'm up for partying after... Well.. You know.

"Maybe another night guys.. I don't think-"

"You're going! You have to clear your mind and just relax and have fun." Drake assured.

I sighed knowing they wouldn't let it go. I nodded and they both smiled even wider... They act alike sometimes.. It's kinda scary.

We got to the house and I went straight to my room. I checked the clock and it read, "5:30"

Kendra knocked on my door and said, "We are leaving at 7. Oh, and I wanna help you get ready!"

I let her in and she practically ran to my closet. She frowned and kept looking.

"Where is your party clothes girl?!" She asked.

"Um, I don't know." I said.

"Hmm, I have something in my closet that would fit you perfectly!" She said happily as she ran out the room.

I don't know why she is so energetic. I'm still tired, but then again she is usually hyper when we are about to go to the club or somewhere fun.

"Here." She said as she returned.

She held up a short red dress, but it wasn't too short. It was sexy, yet classy.

I nodded and smiled, "Great! It looks perfect."

I might as well take the advice and relax. Maybe have a little fun tonight...


Blake's POV

"Hey bro." I said as Ben pulled up.

"Dude.. You look like crap." He laughed.

He noticed that I didn't laugh back and immediately was serious.

I got in and he asked me what was wrong. I ended up telling him everything that happened.

"Well, I was thinking bar tonight?" I asked while tilting my head back.

I'm so exhausted right now and I just need to relax.

"Nah, how about that new club?" He asked.

I mean, I guess that would be alright..

"Sure. What's the name of it? " I asked him.

"Next72" he smiled.

"Cool." I responded and turned the music on.

I hope tonight takes my mind off of everything. Maybe find a girl there like I was planning earlier..

I... I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't do that. What if I am overreacting? *sigh*

Claire's POV

I was all ready now. Kendra did my makeup perfectly!

I looked in my closet for my black wedges and couldn't seem to find them.

"Looking for these?" Kendra asked as she them up.

"Yes!" I sighed in relief.

Those were the only shoes that would go with this dress.

We walked out the door and got into the car.

"What's the name of this new club?" I asked.

"It's called 'Next72' " Kendra replied.

Sounds like a fun club. I just hope after tonight I won't have so much pressure on my shoulders!

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