Chapter 26 'Thank God'

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We packed up everything that was important or that I really wanted. I planned on going shopping whenever Lydia gets out of the hospital for furniture and pots and pans and all that kind of stuff. I can't say that I will miss this place all the good memories with my mum were covered and ruined with the horrendous memories of the past couple of years with my dad. These walls were filled with pain and tears and this house could burn in hell. If it was up to me and I wouldn't get arrested I would burn this place to the ground and watch it turn to ashes.

Me and Lou have already carried about 10 boxes from my room and El came and helped too because Lou said that there wasn't any harm anymore because my dad was knocked out could and would be like that for a long time. I have the last box in my hand and I can't wait to pack it in Lou's car and get as far away as possible from this fucking place from my fucking dad from every fucking thing.

After everything is in Lou's car we all get in and we pull out of the driveway.

"Wait, Harry didn't you say that Lydia lived right next door." El speaks up and Lou stops the car.


"Well don't you think that we should get her stuff."

"Yeah Haz we should."

"I know but we don't know what stuff she wants and what she wants to leave and we have no room at all in this car, and what if she won't move out with me. What if the whole idea scares her."

"Haz stop worrying about if she will move out with you because she will but you're right we do have no room. Haz you really need to get a fucking car."

"Yeah I know thats next but right now I need Lydia to get better and out of that damn hospital and safe. Then we can get all the little things we need. I'm going to talk to Dani and see what she thinks we should do about her stuff. Hopefully she is coming home soon."

"Yeah lets get back to the hospital and 'Dani'.... really"

"Yeah she yelled at me the last time that I talked to her for calling her Danielle oh and she told me to tell you to call her Dani too."

"Okay whatever." Lou says while laughing, starting the car and pulling away.

So much stuff has happened this past couple weeks. Lydia has been in the hospital for 5 days now and I haven't been in school that whole time well two of those days were the weekend and one was some day off that I have no clue why we had it off. So we really only missed two days but I miss school all the time so whatever. I'm surprised that Dani missed both days though Liam went one of the days, and Lou stayed with me the whole time. I just hope that she gets soon. These past few days have been hell without her here, i can't go on much longer without her. She is like my everything and she will always hold my heart forever.

We pull into the parking lot and al get out of the car and head to the hospital and Lydia's room. As we enter her room Lydia is still lying in the bed and it pains me so much to see her like that. I turn my gaze away from her and I see Dani sitting on the chair playing with something on her phone and Mr. Thomas sitting in the chair next to her.

Fuck I wanted to talk to Dani without him hearing. I guess it will have to wait. Agghhhhh.

"Oh hey guys" Dani say as she looks up from her phone and notices us there.

"Hey Dani" both me Lou and EL says.

Mr. Thomas just nods his head at us.

"What is Mr. Thomas doing here." El whispers to me and Lou.

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