Chapter 23 'New Start'

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“Hello” Mr. Thomas said as he walked into the room.

Okay, so Mr. Thomas is her real uncle who just found out about this whole thing. How the fuck is this even possible.

“Okay, what the hell is going on” Louis says knocking me out of my confusion.

“Yeah really” I add

“So, I told you to be prepared because I know that you and Mr. Thomas don't have the best relationship I also know that Lydia did not tell you that because of the fact that she knows you both pretty much hate each other. I know this is confusing and all but just look Mr. Thomas is really related to Lydia as her uncle and is willing to help her and right now we need that. Also Mr. Thomas Harry is Lydia’s boyfriend and he really loves her and she really loves him.”  Dani rambled on.

“Wait your dating my niece” Mr. Thomas said

“Yeah….” I began “Look as much as you think I’m trouble I really do love Lydia and I will do anything to protect her. I can't believe that I left her alone in that house for even a split second. This is all my fault but I promise that I will protect her from here on out with my life. I will not let anyone touch even one strand of hair on her pretty little head.” I tell Mr. Thomas.

Then I feel his arms wrap around me. Okay. This is weird as hell. I feel bad but I don't hug back, but I think he understands.

“I’m sorry Harry I don't know why I did that but I just want to thank you for that. If  I can't be there for her I’m glad that you will be here for her. I’m glad that she will be protected, but I do still think your trouble so….”

“You don't know me”

“No I don't and If Lydia trust you and really does love you I trust you. I don't know how you two ended up together and I don't really need to either, but all i'm going to say is a warning if you hurt her you will have me to deal with me, but for now keep her safe.”

“I will”

“Okay, I hate to break this up but Harry we need to go we have that flat to look at remeber.”

“Yeah lets go lou, we’ll be back later.”

“Wait where are you going” Danielle asks with a questioned look on her face.

I whisper in Danielle’s ear our whole plan with the flat. I’m not too ready to have this conversation with Mr. Thomas. I might be happy that she has a real family member but I still don't like him that much, I mean he tied to help me a little but I mean I think he just wanted me out of his sight that day so he gave in. Shit we still haven't finished this damn assignment.

After Danielle heard the news a smile spread across her face from ear to ear.

“It's perfect she will love it, thank you.” Danielle says while she kisses my cheek and gives me a hug which this time I hug her back. It’s crazy to think how much she hated me just about a week ago and look how far we have come.

I went over and kissed Lydia’s forehead. Then I whispered. “I love you babe”

Then me and Lou walked out of the room I really did not want to leave her but Danielle was there and her ummm uncle. I also was doing this for her well partly for her I needed to do this for my self I needed to move on. I needed to stop taking all this shit from my dad. I need to get over everything and realise that my dad will never love me.  I finally have someone in this world that loved me and I couldn't ask for anything more and I love her.

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