Chapter 4 'The Project'

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"Now that you have your groups, you will have to work outside of school and get together with one of another there will be no class time and each group member is expected to give equal work into this project. Oh yeah and did I mention this will be 50% of your finial grade. So it would be in your best favour to do your best. There will also be a finial presentation at the end of the 2 weeks allowed for this project."

Mr. Thomas loudly pronounces

"Bloody hell! This is going to be horrible" I hear a small whisper come from Dani.

I hate to admit this, but she was right. Dani is going to refuse to work with them or be mad and appalled. Truthfully I don't get why she thinks they are so appalling yes they have tattoos covering over half of their body and they get into major fights but every school has those kids. Right? Aside from her discomfort and disgust there is going to be a massive amount of tension between me and Harry and our best friends our bound to pick up on it. They can't because once they find that out all of our horrifying past and home life comes will unravel and that is just not an option.

I can see Harry and Louis talking back and forth I wish that I could hear what they were saying. I know this whole project is going to crash and fail. I can't let that happen though Harry needs this I'm not going to let him fail, I'm not going to let Mr. Thomas call his dad down, I'm not going to let his dad kill him. I need him and he needs me.

"Okay I said I'm not giving you any class time to do your projects but I lied I'm going to give you these last 10 min of class to meet with your group and figure out how you are going to do this." Mr. Thomas says as gesturing for us move

Harry and Louis both get up from where they were sitting and walked over to us. When they approach us Dani gets a disgusted and irritated look on her face.

"What's wrong babe not so happy to see us" Louis says with a sarcastic tone

"Don't you ever call me babe" Dani snaps back

"Aww Harry look my babe is getting feisty" Lou sarcastically spits out as he grabs Dani by the waist and pulls her close to him

"Get the hell off of me! Don't ever touch me again like that" Dani says while she is pushing Louis away

I quickly shot Harry a look of desperation hoping that he could stop this


"Shut the Hell up Lou" Harry cuts off before Louis could finish what he was going to say.

"Look we have too get this done some how I know that you two don't wanna work with me and Lou but it is what it is. This project needs too be done and it needs to be done perfectly I don't know about you but I really need a good grade on this. So somehow we are going to have to figure out how to do this"


"I agree with Harry" I blurt out quietly cutting Dani off

"What how can you agree with him how are we even going to work with them"

"Look we are just going to have to figure it out its a big part of our grade" I say in response to Dani

"Fine whatever, how are we going to do this" Dani finally agrees annoyingly

"Look I'm not happy about this but we are going to have to meet at someone's house at least a couple of times a week" Louis suggest

"NOT MY HOUSE" me and Harry both blurt at the same time as we exchange a careful and worried look.

"Wow calm down, you know what Harry I don't think I have ever been too your house" Lou says

"Yeah, and I have never been to your house Ly" Dani says looking at me

Nether me nor Harry said anything we just stared at both of our friends pleading them to drop the subject without having to say it then finally Dani speaks up.

"We'll were not doing it at my house I don't want you guys there at all." Dani says pointing at Louis and Harry

"We'll thanks babe I fell special"

"Lou really" Harry yells at Lou shooting him a look like saying again to shut the hell up without actually saying it

"Fine whatever you guys can come to my house we can start today"

"Okay" I say

"Sounds good Lou" Harry says

"Fine what ever" Dani says

"Good meet me at my by my looker after last class"


Thank gosh this class is done. Dani is the first one up and pulls me along with her out of class.

The rest of the day passes in a blur. It is now the end of the day, and me and Dani are now heading to where Louis and Harry's lockers are. I'm so glad that me and Dani made up she drives me crazy and makes me mad but I love her to death.

"Okay so do ether of you have a car or do u guys walk to school" Louis asks us when we reach his locker

"We both do, but I didn't bring mine I came with my boyfriend I was suppose to go out with him after football practice but no I have to work on this dumb project with you guys"

"Dani please" I begged her

The only reason that I have a car is because my foster mum wants to put in on this act like she is the perfect mum and nothing is wrong. She buys me all the things I need everyone thinks that I have the perfect little life, but little did they know the real truth, the abuse that I suffer though every night. The only comfort that I have is when Harry sneaks though my window and I'm wrapped in his strong tattoo covered arms.

"I have my car" I finally spoke up

"So do I, why don't you and Danielle follow me and Harry to my house is that okay" Louis suggested

"Yeah that's fine let's go" I said

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