Chapter 9 'Everything Comes Out'

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Louis POV

I can't believe what she just said to me. His dad is the one that did this too him. How can this be? How often did this happen?

"Wa..wa..what" is all I could manage to say

"It was his dad that almost killed him"

"What do you mean, how often does this happen and how do you know"

"It happens almost every night but it has never gone this far usually I'm able to just clean up the bruises and he is fine and he has can pass it off as a small fight that he got into but since he didn't come home friday night after we were all at your house his dad must have got really mad and did this and we can't call his dad or he will just get mad and probably end up killing him and I can't lose him" she said still crying

"Okay, okay calm down I'm not going to lose Harry he is my best friend I will call my mum and she will take care of it, ... but why does Harry's dad do this to him and why doesn't Harry just beat him up and how do you know any of this"

"His dad blames him for his mothers death, and Harry won't hurt his dad because his mum loved his dad, and he believes if he hurts his dad he hurts her, and he just can't do that"

I just look at her hoping that she will continue with why she knows this and I don't, because I'm getting a little ticked off as why Harry trusted her with all of this and not me I didn't even think that she liked us I mean she was never as mean as her friend Danielle. I still thought that she viewed us the same she was just scared of us. This just does not make any sense

" know this because when I was a baby I was left at an orphanage home and then put with an awful lady who abuses me but never as bad as Harry's dad does to him and one day it got too much for both of us and we ran outside and happened to met each other and after crying in each others arms and sharing our story we have always been there for each other" she said crying harder than I have seen her cry all night

I felt so bad how much of a front both of them has had to put up how could I not pick up on the fact that this was happening to Harry. Harry could handle himself though I just wanted to wrap my arms around Lydia the girl who I once thought had the perfect life but I now knew was more broken than I could have ever imagined. So that's what I did I wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear "everything will be okay"

She just continued crying on my on my chest soaking my once dry non tear stained shirt.

Many people walk by and just look at as but I don't care right now I have to keep this girl from breaking even more than she already is because I can now see that she is Harry's world whether she knows it or not. She is the reason he doesn't hook up with any girls after we spend the night in clubs and girls are all over him. She is the only girl that ever really matters to him.

Lydia's POV

I can't believe that I just told him that. I haven't even trusted Dani with this but yet I told Louis Tomlinson one of the three guys that everyone is scared of.

"What the hell" I look up to see Dani looking at me with Louis' arms wrapped around me as I'm crying into his chest. How did she know I was here. I whisper to Louis "She doesn't know"

"Why is his arms wrapped around you get the hell off of her" Louis quickly gets up

"Look shut the hell up you don't know what's going on and you can clearly see that she is hurt yet you still yell at her, honestly how bad of a friend can you be"

"You don't know anything, I'm her best friend and I know she doesn't want you to comfort her"

"How did you even know we were here"

"Because Liam followed you and then called me and told me you were here because we are good friends who are trying to protect her"

"I f you were protecting her she wouldn't be this broken"

Louis POV

I step towards her ready to hit her because at this Point I don't care If she is a girl I can tell that she pushes Lydia to be perfect and it's pissing me off.

"Whoa don't get any closer mate" I see a very angry Liam come up and push me away from Danielle before I was able to hurt her.

Now everyone in the room was staring at us.

"Well maybe you should tell you little girlfriend to think before she says anything, and care for her friends because her so called best friend is over there crying and she is standing her fighting with me"

"This is none of your business just leave" Liam yelled at me

"No, this is not your business this is my business, and it's Lydia's business now you go"

"Why the hell is it your business"

"You don't even know what is going on"

"What is going on then!" he says us still angrily yelling back and forth

"Harry is dying back in that room so fuck off!"

"What did he do; get into another fight and he wasn't strong enough"

With that I was done and I punched Liam in the Jaw as hard as I could and I knocked him to the ground. Liam got up and was ready to punch me.

"Stop stop please stop." I heard someone cry, It was Lydia I forgot that she was seeing this whole thing play out "I already have someone that I care about hurt I don't need anymore"

I couldn't do that to her Harry would kill me when he got out if I hurt her anymore by killing her best friends because now I know how much he cares for her, and I can bet he would do anything to protect her. It all seemed to click I never got why he denied so many girls or why he went home so many nights; I do now. 

I turn around and take a seat next to her and wrap my arms back around her fragile body and her head falls back into its previous position.

Danielle takes a seat on the opposite side of her and Liam next to Danielle and we all sit in silence for awhile till

"Ly please tell me what's wrong I'm sorry for putting too much pressure on you, I'm sorry for over exaggerating, I'm sorry for everything please just tell me what's wrong" Danielle begs while now crying to.

Lydia lifts her head up and I release my arms from around her and she turns around to Danielle and whispers

"Fine if you really want to know I have a horrible home life and my mum hates me and she abuses me and i have keep it hidden" then she turns back to me and places her head back to my chest and i wrap my arms around her as she continues to cry.

I hear Danielle whisper I'm so sorry and starts to cry and run out of the room and Liam followed her.

We must have been really tired because thats the last thing that I remember happening before I was asleep.

I was awoken by a nurse tapping my shoulder.

"Sir your friend is now awake you may now go and see him" she starts to walk away and then she says "oh and we need to see a parent or guardian so he can be released"

I unwrap my arms from around Lydia "Well he is staying with me for a couple of months while his dad is in America so my mum is the only one that is able to come in"

"That's fine as long as both Harry and your mother can vouch that that is the truth"

"Okay" I say and she walks away

After she is walking away I pull out my phone and call my mum. I explain to her that she needs to come to the hospital and have Harry be released I tell her that there is a good reason that we can't call his dad but it's not my place to tell. She agrees and says that she will be there in about thirty minutes. I'm really glad that she didn't ask any more questions.

I tap Lydia on the shoulder waking her up and tell her that Harry is okay and awake and that we may go and see him. Her face brightens, and the biggest smile spreads across her face.

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