Ch 54 'Girls Week Out'

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Okay so I was going to have this chapter up a few days ago but I updated the app and my whole chapter got deleted and that made me really sad because I really liked the chapter but I re wrote is and I hope this is okay.

Also if you forgot the last chapter was an April fools joke Harry and Lydia are still alive.

I want to say a sorry to harrystyleslover831 I'm so sorry I told you it would be up soon but blame wattpad and its stupidness.
6 months later...
Lydia's POV
So it's been hard. When has losing a child not been hard. For the first three months all I did was lay in bed and cry. Harry would come in and hold me in his arms, I needed that.

It's 6 months since that happened though. I am doing a lot better now. I have been able to join the world again have normal teenage experiences. Part of me is grateful we didn't have the child not that I would ever with that a baby would die but that I don't think me and Harry were ready. Sure we would have tried but it would have put a strain on our relationship. We have never been closer then we are now. We have been just living life.

We haven't worried to much about getting married I still have my dress and all the bridesmaids dresses but after losing the baby we have decided just to go explore the world before we get married make some good memories that some day we can tell our kids about.

Today me Dani, El, Tiffany, and Abbey are all sitting in an airplane getting ready to take a trip back to America just to take a holiday to a beach and get out of this crappy England weather and into the sunny Cali weather. It's a little hard going back knowing that that's where I found out I was pregnant, but it's also where I got proposed to so that's what memory I am going to keep connected to this place.

I'm glad to go and have another holiday again. I'm gad I can just spend some time with the girls and this time bring Tiffany and Abbey along with us. All of the guys decided that they wanted to go up I to the mountains and go camping, just not something that we wanted to do. I would rather spend the day in the beach getting a tan and relaxing with all of my friends. We're staying there for almost 2 weeks and I'm going to miss England and Harry but there's phones and hell I'll be laying in the sand and swimming in the ocean everything will be okay.

"Ly ready for this long ass plane ride"

"Just as much as I ever will tiff"

As we take off my stomach gets butterfly's but once were up in the air it all goes away it's just something about that initial take off that doesn't set right with me. I end up watching the avengers and pitch perfect then falling asleep till Dani pushes me awake because apparently I was drilling on her. Oh well that's her problem so I just tilt my head the other way and fall asleep on El for the rest of the flight.

While landing I got the same feign in my stomach as I did when we were taking off but it all settled down a little after we were on the ground. You could practically feel the ocean. You could most definitely feel the warm air as it creeps through the seems of the plane.

I now am thankful that I froze my ass of in England and wore a dress because not it is just perfect. I guess I could have changed on the plane but let's be honest I'm way to lazy for that.

As we get off the plane and head inside the airport I get more and more exited about this trip.

After a little mix up with luggage and now abbey can not locate her luggage we are in the hotel rooms. Abbey and Tiffany are sharing one and me Dani and El are Sharing a room. That means me and Dani are sharing a bed I bet that I'm going to get pushed off the bed before the night is over. I do t know how the hell Liam doesn't have like some broken bones from falling out of bed because Dani is not one who likes to share a bed.

We all just get settled in. Last week we all decided to go shopping for the trip and just spent way more then we ever should have but who the hell cares we got some cute ass clothed. What girls doesn't need cute as clothes when they are on vacation. Like come one its a necessity.

"Hey guys want to hit the beach it's like right off of the hotels grounds." Tiffany yells in our room already dressed in a cute high waisted bikini with a white lace cover up over top and a big black beach hat.

"Yeah I'll be ready in 5" I say with a big smile as Dani and El join by nodding their heads.

I throw on my black strap bikini and a simple black long crochet vest. I grab my stuff and head down to the beach with El because Dani went down with Tiff and Abbey like 15 min ago even though we said it would take five whoops.

"Lydia can I ask you something."

" Yeah of course El."

"Okay so I keep getting this feeling that Lou is going to break up with me. Like for years we always had that connection that we never had to say I love you all the time or anything, but still every once in a while he would, or he would do something little like bring me flowers or just show up at my house with ice cream and a movie and we would cuddle all night. But none of that has happened in like a month and he just feels so distant and I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose him."

Okay wow that is not what I was suspecting at all.

I grab her by her shoulders so that she is looking directly at me.

"Look El I know things get hard and can seem like things are going to get bad, but I know Lou loves you and everything will be fine maybe he is just freaking out about going to collage and he just can't process anything. Okay. I can talk to Harry about it him and Lou are so close he probably knows what's going on."

"Okay. Thank you Ly. I love you."

"Now let's have some fun."

"Okay sounds like a plan."

As we reach the beach Dani yells.


Where the hell did these girls get a boat, but hell we climb on anyways. Abbey starts the boat saying that she knows how to drive a boat. I'm sure hoping she is right.

"So we're no longer in high school." Dani yells.

"FUCK YEAH I COULD DRINK TO THAT." El yells pulling out bottles of beer.

This is going to be a fun trip.


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