Chapter 8 'The Truth'

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Lydia's POV

Text from Harry <3

S.O.S Please come over I need you. I think I'm dying.

What the hell.

I rush down the stairs and out the door and across to Harry's house I'm crying now I can't lose Harry.

I look at Harrys driveway and see that his dad's car is gone. This can't be good.

I reach the door and turn the knob and thankfully it is not looked. I run in and I see him. His bloody lifeless body lying there.

I run over to him my face red and puffy from the tears coming from my eyes. He has scars and bruises everywhere. This can't happen he can't be dead. As I get closer I can tell that he still has a heartbeat but he is unconscious. I take a sigh of relief that he is not dead, but I know I need to do something and quick or he will be dead. I sit over his body hoping to see that head of curls sit up but no.

Call the cops. NO. They will ask questions that I'm not prepared to answer. Questions that I just don't have answers to.

I have to get him to the Hospital. I can't lift him though. Then I remembered he might kill me but he will be alive and that is all that matters.

I try to stop crying.

The school had a Saturday football practice today.

I grab my phone and unlock it with my shaky hands I click on Liams contact.


"Hi Liam its me Lydia"

"What's up Ly"

"Are you still at Football practice"

"Yeah of course"

"I need you to put Louis on the phone like now it's urgent"

"Ly thats not a good idea you don't want to get messed up with his type no one even wants him on the team"

"LIAM PUT HIM ON THE FUCKING PHONE NOW" I yell at him. Harry is going to kill me he doesn't want Louis to know about him his dad.


"Hello this is Louis"

"Louis you need to get over to harrys house he is in trouble he needs you please"

"Lydia, calm down what's wrong"

"Just get over to his house please" I say now crying

"Lydia calm down I'm coming now"

"Thank you" I whisper and hang up the phone. I'm just thankful the school is less than five mins away.

Louis POV

I give Liam back his phone and run off while the coach is yelling at me to get back here practice isn't over.

I don't care. Harry is in trouble. When Liam gave me his phone and told me that it was Lydia wanted to talk to me I was surprised maybe she left something at my house. But when she got on the phone I could tell that she was crying but trying to hideit. I knew that something was wrong. She told me that Harry was in trouble I knew that I had to go she was crying something was wrong.

I drove in silence for the rest of drive I have only been to Harry's house a few times to drive him home I have never been inside. Pulling up to his driveway I don't know what to expect. I rushed over to his door preparing for the worst preparing for him to be cut and bruised and broken bones yelling in pain it wouldn't be the first time but as i approach I hear no yelling all I hear is a faint crying. Something is really wrong I can feel it. I burst through the door I Follow the faint crying. When I reach where the two body's are at.

The sight that I saw is something I thought I would never see Lydia was sitting with her head down on a bloody lifeless Harry crying.

"What...wa..wa..what happened" I said and Lydia's head looks up with a puffy red face and tear filled eyes

I rushed over to him

"I..I.will explain but we really need..need to get him to the hospital Im sorry I called you but I couldn't call the cops and I just couldn't lift him I'm so sorry I called he is going to kill me he never wanted you to know this about him I'm so sorry" she said crying so much

"Look Lydia its okay we can talk later calm down right now we need to get him to the hospital I'm not about to lose my best friend" I say almost crying

I grab Harry and pick him up. I need to get him help. He is my best friend and I just can't let him die.

"Lydia open the door" she quickly runs and gets the door and I sprint out the door

"Open my car door it's unlocked"

I place Harry In the back seat. I look at his body its beaten and scarred he has lost so much blood, what fight did he get into and why didn't he call me and Michael . Why was Lydia there why was she crying so much. What the fuck is going on. She was coming with me She was going to explain this all to me because I need to know what the hell is going on.

"Lydia get in" I say pointing at the passenger door as I get in the drivers side. She just nods and gets in.

We drive the rest of the way in silence.

I rush into the emergency room carrying Harry with Lydia right behind me.

"Help...We need Help"

Nurses run over to me and looking at Harry

Gasping things like "omg" "this is bad" till one nurse finally said

"Someone get this boy into a room and get him some help now!" as a nurse took Harry out of my hands and carried away and both me and Lydia tried to follow but the nurse told us that only parents were allowed and clearly we were not Harry's parents. Thinking of parents where the hell is Harry's dad why didn't Lydia call him?I really need to know what is going on.

"You can just wait in the waiting room but will need a parent to fill out papers for this boy can you please contact them if they already have not been contacted and tell them that they need to come down here thank you" the nurse said as walking away. When the nurse said that Lydia head looked up with a worried and terrified expression. I need answers.

She looks up at me and says "We have a problem"


"We can't call his dad"

"Why in the hell not"

"His dad is the one that did this to him"

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