Little Sister {BatFamilyxReader}

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Character Ages:

A/N I know the ages might not add up with the age gaps between the bats but I don't care

Alfred Pennyworth~ Honestly who knows
Bruce Wayne~ 39
Dick Grayson~ 19
Jason Todd~ 17
Tim Drake~ 15
Damian Wayne~ 12
You~ 6

You were the little sister to the bat family. Sure being Y/N Wayne had perks but you were young, who knew what could happen. That being said you had 4 over protective brothers who would do anything for you. Jason even went so far as to kill the man who kept you away from them for 3 years. You were lucky, you had finally found a family that loved you. You thought everything was finally perfect, but you underestimated the normality in the Wayne household.

"N/N?" Dick called while looking under the couches for you.

"N/N, why are you?~" he sang. You giggled. You loved playing hide and go seek with Dick. He was the only one who couldn't find you. Right now you were looking down on him from inside the vents. You heard shuffling next to you and when you looked over you saw a rat. You screamed and fell from the vent. Dick caught you in his arms and cradled you.

"What's wrong?" He asked, "and how did you get up there?" You laughed again.

"There's a rat, and I have skill." You replied. He shrugged his shoulders and set you down.

"Who knew Y/N Wayne was afraid of rats?" He asked.

"I'm not afraid of them it just surprised me." You corrected while sticking your tongue out at him. He made a face back and it made you laugh. You were interrupted by Alfred's voice.

"Lunch is ready!" He called. You and Dick raced to the kitchen and sat at your seats. You smiled at Alfred as he put down your sandwich.

"I only like your sandwiches Alfred." You told him.

"Well Miss Y/N I'm flattered." He smiled. You giggled and took a bite of your sandwich. You finished your meal and stepped out of the kitchen only to be tackled to the ground. You squealed and laughed.

"Got you!" They cheered.

"I guess you did Dami." You answered while smiling. He got up and offered you a hand you grabbed it but pulled him to the ground. Once he was down you sprinted into Tim's room. You knew he wouldn't dare go in there.

"Hi Tim!" You greeted.

"Uh huh." He said blankly while typing away on his computer. You frowned and sat on his lap.

"What are you working on?" You asked.

"A case." He responded.

"Can I have your coffee?" You smiled evilly.

"Uh huh." He said without thinking.

"Thanks!" You yelled while running off his lap. You grabbed his coffee and ran into the living room. You found Jason reading and he stood up after seeing you run in.

"Y/N! GET BACK HERE NOW!" Tim yelled. You yelped and hid behind Jason.

"Save me Jay!" You pleaded. He noticed the coffee in your hands and he laughed. You clung to Jason as Tim stormed into the room.

"Tim you have issues!" You laughed. He rolled his eyes and put his hand out.

"Coffee. Now." He ordered.

"Now now Timmy don't you think it's time for a break?" Jason asked. Tim scoffed and continued to reach for the coffee. You knew he wouldn't fight you for it so you came up with a better idea.

"Dami!" You shouted. Damian appeared in the room and looked at the situation.

"Tt. Drake why do you have to be such an addict?" He scolded.

"I don't know why do you have to be such a pain in the a..." He started. Jason shot him a dirty look and he stopped talking. Damian walked over to you and took the coffee, Tim had an uneasy look on his face. Damian started tipping the cup and that's when Tim snapped.

"DEMON SPAWN!" He cursed while tackling Damian to the ground. Coffee was spilt all over them and you casually exited the room with Jason while Dick was running in due to the commotion. You decided to just let them work it out. Besides, you're just the little sister.. right?

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