Chapter 14: band name ideas

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Two hours later and Rachel was finally done with dressing me up, the only thing I didn't like so much about my look was the make up as I don't wear make up. I just feel really uncomfortable when there are products smothered all over my face, but she told me that I have to wear it just for tonight and I couldn't be bothered to argue with her about it. In the end she chose a cute white dress with pink flowers on it that sits just above the knee, this is personally one of my favourite dresses but I wouldn't of chosen it for a trip to Pizza Express. "Isn't this all just a bit too much?" I asked as she finished straightening my hair. "No! You have to look good!" Rachel explained. "But I'm only going to Pizza Express..." I said as she picked up another piece of hair to straighten. "Yeah I know but you wanna look nice for Brad, right?" She asked. "This isn't a date... I don't even know if I like him enough to go out with him, I also don't know if he likes me that way." I explained. "If you don't wanna wear this then go change." Rachel explained and stopped straightening my hair. "No it's fine..." I replied, I didn't want to upset her when she has gone to all this hard work. I wish people would stop pushing me and Brad into a relationship, first the boys and now Rachel. I know they don't mean to and they are just having a laugh but I'm scared enough as it is, I've never done this relationship stuff before so I just need a bit more time.

Rachel finished doing my hair and then I put my phone, purse and keys into a little bag before slipping some pumps on and sitting on my bed. The nerves are now kicking in... What if Brad turns up in jeans and a top while I'm sitting there wearing a full face of make up and a dress, this isn't me... I don't dress like this and I don't want Brad getting the wrong idea, let's just hope tonight doesn't go badly.

*knock knock*

Rachel ran to the door and opened it, immediately I heard Brad's voice and this made the butterflies start up again. Nervous is an understatement. He walked into the bedroom area to see me sitting on the bed and his mouth dropped open, I looked at him to see he was wearing a pair of jeans and a nice shirt which made him look a lot smarter, this put me at ease a bit as I now know that I'm not going to be the only one who is all dressed up. "Hi..." Brad commented and I smiled a little. "Hi." I replied. "You look... Gorgeous..." Brad explained as his eyes scanned me, I stood up as my cheeks turned red. "Thank you..." I replied and looked at the floor in embarrassment. "You... You look nice too..." I replied and he smiled. "Go and have fun!" Rachel exclaimed and walked us to the door, she said goodbye and then shut the door behind us leaving us in the corridor. "You ok?" He asked and I nodded, noticing how fluffy his hair looks. "Just nervous..." I explained and he placed his hand on my cheek again. "Don't be, you look lovely and it's just going out for a pizza." Brad replied and I nodded back at him. "Thank you..." I mentioned. "You didn't have to wear all of that make up though, you look beautiful without it." Brad commented, I knew this would happen... "I didn't want to wear it, Rachel chose my whole outfit because she sees this as a date night." I explained and he giggled a little. "It can be if you want it to be?" He nervously asked in reply which made my eyes shoot up to look at his face.

"Or not... I don't mind. Whatever you feel comfortable with, I'll wait." He continued and my heart melted in my chest, he said he will wait for me... "Can we maybe just wait a little bit longer before we start dating?... I don't mean to upset you or anything but I still barely know you and I want to get to know you a bit more first before anything happens. I've just never done this whole relationship thing..." I explained. "Of course we can! I would never want to rush you into something like that and make it uncomfortable for you, I would rather wait until the right moment and make it a nice thing for both of us." Brad replied and I smiled. "Thank you." I replied and he held out his hand. "Come on, the boys are waiting downstairs." Brad commented and I took his hand, his hands feel so soft! And I feel safer like this... We began walking down the stairs and I held on to my bag so I didn't drop it. "By the way, I'm still going to call you beautiful even if we aren't dating because you are..." Brad explained and I giggled. "Be my guest." I replied and he smiled. "Can I call you handsome?" I asked and he nodded. "Good, because you are." I said as we reached the bottom of the stairs to see the boys all waiting outside, Brad held the door open for me and then held my hand again as we walked over to the boys.

"Hey Hay! You look nice." Tristan said and I smiled. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I replied and gave him a friendly hug. "I like your dress." Connor stated. "And your bag!" James added and I giggled. "Thank you boys, you all look smart as well." I replied and then looked at Brad to see him staring at me, we walked down the hill to Pizza Express and then Tristan told the waiter his name before she took us over to our table which was a booth. I ended up sitting in the middle of Brad and Tristan while Connor and James sat on the other side, obviously... "Are we getting dough balls?" Connor asked and I giggled, he hasn't even got a menu yet and he is already talking about starters. "Yeah sure." Tristan answered.

"What would you all like to drink?" The waiter asked as she got her notepad out. "Can I have a Coke please?" Connor asked and she nodded. "Orange juice please." James replied. "Do you have Sprite?" Tristan asked and she nodded. "Can I have a Sprite then please?" He asked and she nodded. "Can I have a Coke as well please." Brad replied as she wrote down his order. "Hayley?" Tristan asked. "Erm, do you have a J2O?" I asked. "Yes we do." The waiter replied. "Can I have the orange and passion fruit one please." I asked and she nodded. "Any starters at all?" The waiter asked us. "Dough balls!" Connor exclaimed and we all laughed. "Enough dough balls for 5 people please." James asked and she wrote it down on her notepad. "Ok, I will bring you your drinks." She explained and then walked off. "Nice choice of drink." I said and smiled at Brad, he smiled at me in return. "Thanks, better than alcohol any day..." He mumbled and I placed my hand on his knee under the table. "Come on, don't get upset, you're doing so well." I explained and he nodded. "It's not like I'm addicted to it because I'm not, it just brings back bad memories that's all." Brad explained and I nodded. "You know what gives me bad memories?" I asked and he looked at me. "The smell of nail varnish, I know it's weird but it's true." I explained and he smiled. "Why?" He asked and I looked down at my lap. "I will explain another day." I replied and he nodded before secretly holding my hand under the table, I wasn't about to explain about my parents break up in the middle of a restaurant.

"Here are your drinks and your dough balls." The waiter explained as she handed everything out. "Thank you." Connor replied as he started to dip the dough balls into the garlic butter. "Ah this is good!" He said with a mouthful of food, these boys act like little kids and I love it. Brad passed me a dough ball and I thanked him before dipping it in the garlic butter and eating it. "Who's liking university so far?" James asked. "It's alright, I enjoy being able to go and do our own thing." Tristan replied and I nodded while taking another bite of my food. "I'm liking the music lessons." Connor said as he took his second dough ball. "Yeah they are good, all of our songs are looking good!" Brad said and looked at me from the corner of his eye which made me blush.

"We should probably think of a band name, Hayley came up with the idea of putting covers on YouTube but first we need a name." Connor explained and the boys all nodded. "Band of boys!" Tristan shouted and we all laughed. "The bearded dragons!" Connor exclaimed which made me giggle. "The music makers!" James suggested. "The Vamps?..." I mumbled as the idea just popped into my head but nobody heard me. "Just a suggestion." I mumbled again. "What was that?" Brad asked and everyone looked at me. "Oh it's nothing, don't worry." I replied and took a sip of my drink. "Come on, it can't be any worse than the music makers." James explained and I giggled. "The Vamps?" I asked and the boys all looked at each other. "That actually isn't a bad name." Brad said and the boys all agreed. "Don't chose that one though, think of some other ones first before you decide." I explained. "But we like that one!" Tristan replied and I smiled a little. "Ok..." I said and Brad squeezed my hand a little under the table. "Good name." He whispered and I smiled. "It was just a suggestion." I replied. "I think that's gonna be the name." Brad said and I looked at him with a nervous expression. "What?" He asked. "If you ever get asked where the name came from say one of you boys thought of it, not me." I said and he giggled. "Alright..." He replied as the boys all picked up their drinks.

"Here's to the start of The Vamps!" Tristan exclaimed as everyone clicked their drinks together and I awkwardly sat in the middle of everyone. "The beginning of our story..." Brad continued and held my hand under the table as everyone took a sip of their drinks.

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