Chapter 23 ~ Lies

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Chapter 23- Lies

I couldn't be pregnant! I am 14 years old! It would explain the vomiting, but that could have been anything. I looked at my reflection, I was going over to Jacob's house to talk to him. I was just in sweats and my hair was in a messy bun.

"I'm gunna go to Jacob's house"

"okay, make sure to bring up the thing we talked about" My mom wouldn't talk about that in front of Wayne, mostly because he would probably hurt Jacob if he found out I thought I might be pregnant.

"yeah I will, bye" they both nodded and my dad stared at my mom with a confused look on his face. I walked the blocks until I got to his house

I knocked on his door, and his mom answered the door.

"Hey Kayleen, Jacob is downstairs" I nodded and walked downstairs, he was playing XBOX.

"Hey baby, whats up?"

"Nothing, Jacob we need to talk"

"go ahead"

"you used protection right?" he jerked his head up from the game and looked at me.


"you wore a condom right Jacob?"

"yeah Kayleen, where is this coming from?"

"its nothing" I didn't know if he was being honest with me or not.

"get the test if it would make you feel better" I nodded and layed down next to him.


The next day after school I went and got a pregnancy test. by the time I got home I was shaking, I was so nervous. I walked to the bathroom and took out the stick.

A few minutes later I was sitting on the bathroom floor, waiting. finally a negative sign popped up. I almost started jumping up and down I was so happy.  I mean don't get me wrong, I love kids- but I'm 14, and I'm not ready to be a mother. I heard my mom and dad come in the front door and I walked down the stairs.

"hey, you talked to Jacob"

"yep" I smiled, "he said yes"

"thank goodness! had me worried over here" my dad looked really confused.

"what's up with Jacob?"

"nothing, mom wanted him to come over for dinner, and he said yes"


Things were getting awkward so I walked back to my room.

I was sitting on my bed thinking when my dad yelled at me.

"Kayleen, downstairs NOW" I walked the stairs as slowly as possible,  I didn't know what he was mad about, but he seemed pissed.

When I was downstairs I saw my principal. I looked around, I saw my mom and dad, then I saw a older woman who I never had seen before and Lena. wait.. Lena? what was she doing here?! she hated me for stealing her 'boyfriend'..

"Sit down Ms. Carter" my principal spoke up first. I went and sat down on a random chair.

"Kayleen, you know who Lena is right?"


"well this is Lena's mom, Kerri."

"its nice to meet you.."

"well do you know why were here Kayleen?"

"nope" I say popping the 'p'.

"really? you don't?" Kerri looked really angry and I was kinda scared of her.

"No, I don't know"

"well then let me tell you, and maybe your memory will come back to you"


"after you went on that date with Adrian, you became popular. You never liked Lena- since she really liked Adrian, so you started bullying her.. remember now?" is this bitch serious? bullying? she was the one that fucking bullied me!

"actually I remember something a little different" I looked at Lena, who looked nervous.

"After I came back from that date, everyone hated me, everyone thought I was a whore because of that picture. I didn't become popular, I lost my only friend, who was Lena at the time. Lena was the one who bullied me, she slapped me in the face because I 'stole her boyfriend' which is so fucked up because he never even liked her, but no I never ever fucking bullied her, never once. She just told you that because she hates me"

Lena looked like she was about to cry but I didn't care, everyone needed to kmow the truth.

"He did like me, but he got distracted by you, he should have gone out with me" everyone looked so sympathetic to her, but she was the bad guy here!

"Yeah well he's-" I stopped myself, I couldn't say that he was died, I couldn't hurt her anymore right now. I was a  horrible person.

"Well sorry for the misunderstanding, we will get out of your home, and Kayleen- im expecting you in class tomorrow"

I nodded and walked upstairs to my room. I felt so bad, I walked into my bathroom and got out a knife and started cutting myself, I pretty much did that until the pain was to bad. I don't know when I passed out, but I woke up and it was dark. I looked at my arm, which had blood dried on it, the floor was covered in it and it looked bad. I looked around for a minute, then I got up and cleaned everything up.


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