Chapter 36 ~ The Fall

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Chapter 36- The Fall

My jaw dropped and I just looked at it.. how did they know? who told them? I walked over and grabbed it off the news stand. Most of the stuff was lies.. people said I 'didn't know who the father was' which just pissed me off.. im not a whore.

I looked over at Jade who was just staring back at me.

"what the.." She started.

"Jade, I don't know,  but we should probably leave before the paparazzi sees us" She nodded and grabbed all the rest of our bags. I walked to her house since I knew the media would be everywhere at my house.

"Come on" She pushed me in the door. I was glad to see her dad wasn't home. I walked to the kitchen area. It was already 2 and we hadn't eaten anything at all, but I wasn't hungry anymore. I was just stressing out.

"Kayleen, you have to eat" I looked at the plate of food in front of me, I didn't want it, but I needed it.

My phone chimed and I already knew who it was, Wayne freaking out.

"Hello?" I answered

"Kayleen? what the fuck! I know I didn't tell you not to talk to the media, but I thought you would have the brains to know that"

"Are you serious? I wasn't the one that told them.. did you even read the magazine? it said I didn't know who the father was, they basically called me a whore" I was so frustrated with him.


"I didn't tell anyone.. I've even been wearing baggy clothes so no one could tell" I told him. He was silent for a while, he must have been thinking.

"Sorry, but where you at? I already talked to Jacob and he said he hadn't seen you"

"you talk to Jac- okay never mind it doesn't matter. I'm staying with a friend"

"no, you need to come home now, how will I know if your safe?"

"I don't know, but I'm not going back to your house" He sighed.

"Now isn't the time to argue with me Kayleen, I know whats best for you"

"Im not coming home so get that idea out of your head okay?"

"I'm coming to get you"

"you don-" Wayne hung up the phone. "you don't even know where I am" I repeated the sentence even though he wouldn't hear it.

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I went upstairs to Jade's bedroom and waited for Wayne. Jade sat there and watched me.

"call me stupid but I never even realized you were pregnant" I laughed.

"I haven't told anyone, trying to avoid this" I sigh. I can't believe this happened.

"Its going to be okay" I listened to Wayne walking up the stairs.

"Yeah" I nod and see Wayne standing in the door way.

"Kayleen, go get in the car" I hugged Jade, she was the best friend I had ever had.

"Thank you for everything Jade" she nodded. I walked by Wayne, but I tripped and fell down the stairs, right on my stomach. I felt a weird pain in my stomach and gritted my teeth.. It hurt.

"Whoa Kayleen? you okay?" I looked over at Jade's mom and nodded but I felt funny getting up.

"You alright?" Wayne walked up behind me.

"I don't know" The pain was getting worse.

"Lets get you to a hospital.. Now" He grabbed my arm and opened the door for me. I knew something was wrong, you don't just randomly get pains like that.

He drove to a hospital and The doctor check me all out.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Carter"

My worst fears came true.. The baby was no longer living.


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My dad is.. (Lil Wayne fan fic) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now