Chapter 6 ~ School

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Chapter 6- School

It has been a week and my parents are starting to let me go out more. Today was my first day at my new school. I walk in the doors and find the office.

"Hi, you must be the new student, Kayleen Carter?" The office lady asked me.

I nodded and smiled, I liked the new last name.

"Here is your schedule, your books should be in your locker." She showed me my locker then I grabbed some books out and someone bumped into me.

"Whore," the girl laughed.

"Excuse me? What did you just call me?" I said acting like I didn't hear her.

"I said whore, you're such an idiot." She laughs and then one of the girls in her group grabs my books and threw them across the floor. They all laugh and then they walk away, except one of the guys, who stopped and looked at me.

"Jacob, come on!" One of the girls said. Jacob Latimore. He nodded at them, but then came over and grabbed some of my books.

"Sorry about them," he looked at me sympathetically.

"Thanks." I said as a closed smiled formed on my lips. Then we walk to class, he sits down in a desk, and I walked to the teacher.

"Hi, I'm new, my name is Kayleen Wright, I mean Carter- Kayleen Carter."

"Hi, I'm Mrs. Smith, you can take a seat next to Jacob."

I walk to Jacob and he winks at me, then I sit down next to him. I don't know anyone on the left side of me but on the right side Jacob is right next to me, and all the people that laughed at me earlier are there.

The group: Chelsey, Bianca, Janelle, Chresanto, Rayan, Craig, Jacob, and their 'leader' Reginae.

At lunch I got my food and sat alone at a table. I saw Craig and Rayan coming over to me. I knew something bad was going to happen, so I acted like I didnt see them.

"NO I WILL NOT GO OUT WITH YOU KAYLEEN!" Craig screamed. Everyone in the whole cafeteria laughed.

"Thats just gross, I would never even think about going out with you." I said turning around to face them. Rayan started 'oooo' ing

"Whatever bitch," Craig started to walk away.

"Okay man whore." I said loudly, and the whole cafeteria laughed again. He turned around and grabbed some of the noodles on my tray and threw them on me. I started throwing them right back, but I was out numbered quickly. Everyone was throwing food at each other, but mostly just at me! A few minutes later, the principal rushes in and breaks it up. They didn't get in trouble, but neither did I. I walk to the bathroom and was half crying, when someone walked through the door.

"Hi, I sit next to you in English, my name is Lena." She said grabbing some noodles off my shoulder.

"I'm Kayleen," I smile, and she nods.

"I know who you are, just stay away from them, you know, the populars."

"Okay." I finish clean up, still having stains all over me.

"Thanks, Lena." 

"No problem, come on, meet the rest of us!" I follow her out and meet Carly, Raelee, Josh, Ty, and Adrian. (Carly and Josh were a couple, Raelee and Ty were a couple and Lena was total in love with Adrian, though he didn't seem to like her back.)

After school was finished I walked home.

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