Chapter 18 ~ The Suprise

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Chapter 18- The Suprise

"Tomorrow  is basketball try-outs, girls will start at 3:15, boys will start at 4:00, but I want everyone there at 3, for a little speech before hand." Coach Salfer was saying to all the 9th graders. Not a lot of girls liked basketball, but I loved the game! I could make 3's every time if I wanted to, being that I was so short, I could only ever play far back, so that was all I ever practiced. 

"Okay, you are dismissed" I walked to my locker with the permission slip in my hand. Then I grabbed my bag and walked home. I wasn't really close to my parents ever since that night, even though it was only a week ago. I could here them talking but as soon as they heard me come in they were really quiet, something was definitely going on. 

"will you sign this?" I put the permission slip on the table and waited.

"You can play basketball?" Wayne asked surprised.

'Hell yeah" I smiled as my mom signed it. I threw it in my bag and ran upstairs. Me and Jacob were going out, he was going to take me to the beach, then we were going to eat. I was wearing some jean shorts with a green bikini and then a black tank top over it. I put my hair in a bun and put on some black flip-flops before walking back downstairs.

Growing up in Miami was pretty good, except the weather. I mean don't get me wrong, its nice that its hot all the time, but I could live without the 95 degree days and the humidity, don't get me started on the humidity. I think I own like one jacket, because its so flipping hot. Today it was 87 degrees and no wind. It was November and it should be colder then that. 

I heard a knock on the door and walked down to get it. 

"hey Jacob"

"Hey beautiful" That comment made two things happen; 1- I blushed and laughed, 2. my dad looked like he was going to kill him. I just rolled my eyes and said goodbye to them.


"Jacob stop! this isn't even funny anymore!!" He had thrown me over is shoulder and was now going to throw my into the water.

"I think its pretty funny" 

"Screw you!" 

"You know what you have to do"

"I'm not going to kiss you Jacob" He acted like he was going to throw me which made me scream even louder.

"Okay, I'm going to throw you in.. there might be sharks in there" 

"Fine put me down"

"Nope kiss me now" I gave him a kissed, just as he asked.

"To late!" He threw me in the water and laughed at me.

"what the hell!!" 

"your cute when your mad" I shoved him of  the deck and he landed in the water. After that we played by the beach for a while, then went out to eat. I kept on getting calls from a blocked number, but I just ignored them and never payed attention to them.


I had just came back from basketball tryouts and both of my parents were in the kitchen whispering about something. 

"How did you do?"

"4th overall"

"Thats amazing sweetheart!"

"thanks" I was trying to go to my room but they pulled me over to a couch.

"Kayleen.. we need to talk"

"Go ahead"

"These past few weeks, you've been acting out a lot, at home, at school.."


"And we need to be a family again, it will be better for all of us."

"Where is this coming from mom?"

"Kayleen, I'm pregnant"


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