Chapter 30 ~ Making Up

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Chapter 30- Making Up

"Kayleen.. your father and I are breaking up" The words kept repeating over and over in my head.

"No! You can't be!"

"Relax, it will be okay, everything will be fine Kayleen- everything will be fine Kayleen- Kayleen- Kayleen" It sounded like a broken record. I jumped awake to my mom shaking me. 

"Kayleen you alright?" 

"I'm fine why?"

"You kept on yelling 'no' in your sleep, so I had to make sure"

"Yeah I'm okay" I was staying at my mom's apartment this week, then next it would be at my dad's and etc. I was still upset about them breaking up, it wasn't far. I guess other people thought it was a big deal also, because there is double the paparazzi everywhere, following me.. Wherever I went they were there. I wasn't really that scared of them but I was really annoyed. Just let me live, don't follow me! I felt so much pressure, I had to be this perfect little kid for my dad, it was bullshit, thats what it was. 

"Alright, well you need to be up for school in a few minutes anyways, so come on, I'll start breakfast"

"Okay mom, thanks" I found that I was being extra nice to my mom since the breakup, she was very pregnant, and had so much stress with everything I felt bad for her. 

I got up put on some jeans and a trukfit tee, with some Jordans. I couldn't wear what I wanted to because of the media. I braided my hair to the side and put on slight makeup. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I walked downstairs. Ever since the breakup the media has been sneaking around my mom's apartment to the point where Wayne had to get security over here just to be safe.

 "Hey, walk the other way to school today" I nodded, yeah they were everywhere.

"Alright I've gotta go" 

"Bye, have a great day" 

"You too" I walked out and walked to school with a security guard. Once I was there I thanked him and walked to my locker. Jade threw a magazine at me as soon as I got there. I looked at the cover and it was a picture of Wayne and my mom with a big crooked line down the middle, the title was, Lil Wayne Breaks Up With Long Time Girlfriend. 

"This is crazy" I laugh as I read threw it. Most of there facts were wrong and that just made it funnier. 

"Its a big deal Kayleen"

"I guess, its just that they broke up like 3 weeks ago, and everyone is just now hearing about it"

"They need to get back together, they were so cute"

"I know! and all the media is a bitch!" 

"I know, there everywhere" She said pointing to the bush right outside the window. I could see a guy with a camera out and just laughed, this was so unbelievable, they are at my school? I don't have any privacy at all do I? I roll my eyes and grab my English book and walk to class. 


I was sitting alone.. actually I was sitting with Jade and her boyfriend and his crew, but I felt so alone. I hadn't hardly ate since that night. It was my fault, I'm the reason they broke up. Thats what most magazines said anyways. I looked at my food, disgusted with myself. Then I thought, what if I could get them back together? They obviously still love each other, so why couldn't I try? 

"Hey Kayleen this is Jerome" I nodded at him. It was clear that Jade and her boyfriend wanted us to get to know each other, but I was waiting for Jacob, he was waiting for me.

"Sorry I have a boyfriend" I lied.. not really though, I could have one, if I wanted to.

"No you don't Kayleen! talk to him!" I walked over to an empty table and looked at Jerome. He was really cute, he reminded me of a young Trey Songz, but I didn't even care.

"So, why did you lie back there, you must really not have wanted to talk to me huh?" 

"No, its not that, its just complicated"

"Well tell me about it"

"Okay so I was dating this guy, then my mom got pissed off one day and said he couldn't date me anymore, he respected that and stayed away, then he came over to my house like a few weeks later and was like, I still love you. But I was like I need time, and he respected that too, but I love him and I'm going to date him again"

"Wow, okay"

"Sorry, you seem nice"

"No Problem" He walked off somewhere. I sat there thinking about what I had said, I did really love Jacob, and I think I was ready to date him again.

Me: I love you

Jacob: does this mean what I think it does? were dating again?

Me: Yeah(:

My next thought was of my parents how do I get them back together? 

~2 days later~

Things have been working themselves out. I know Wayne and my mom have started texting again, because all of a sudden I will here a laugh or giggle. I was packing my bag to go over to his house. 

"Mom, I'm leaving now" 

"Oh.. I'll come with you" 

"Its okay mom"

"No, the paparazzi has been getting worse, I should probably just go" HA! that was a good one! The paparazzi had been getting better, it was just an excuse to see Wayne, and we both knew it

"Okay mom" I walked out the door behind her. As we walked she was pretty much silent.

"So.. umm.."

"Mom, this doesn't need to be awkward, I know you just came to see Wayne."

"Kayleen, your right" she laughed, "but the thing is, what kind of mother would I be if I broke up with someone and just got right back together with them, it wouldn't be setting a good example for you"

"I would know exactly how you felt since I went through the same thing with Jacob.. Mom if you love him then just get back with him.. it would be easier for all of us" she laughed and opened the door to the kitchen. I walked in and didn't see Wayne.. 'he's probably in his office' I thought to myself when he appeared from up the stairs. He looked a little nervous when he saw my mom. I tried to walk by him but he stopped me.

"whats she doing here?" he whispered.

"She loves you, and wants to get back with you, and don't tell her anything I just said" He smiled big showing all the diamonds in his mouth and nodded walking downstairs. 

By the time I walked back downstairs they were cuddled up on the couch, gross.. 

"Hi.. umm, I'm going to go now" I walked out the door, with a security guard. I thought I was going to just stay over there, and let them have there space if you know what I mean. 

~Jacob's house~

"Jacob's upstairs in his room" 

"Thanks" I walk upstairs and peak in his room, he was laying on his bed playing playing XBOX. I just ran in and jumped on him.

"babe!" he was half laughing but trying to be angry, I was making him lose. I started kissing him. "I didn't know you were coming" 

"I didn't either, but I think my parents are 'making up'" He laughed and shifted his body so I was on top of him, the next thing I knew we were kissing and didn't stop.


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