Chapter 15 ~ The Note

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Chapter 15- The Note

It was the Wednesday and I was eating breakfast before school. I had kind of been avoiding Wayne, I didn't know what to say to him. He was still hurt that I told him I wished I had never met him, and I still wasn't saying I was sorry.

"Okay I'm going to school"

"Come here for a minute Kay" my mom said from the living room.

"K" I walked in there and she motioned for me to sit down.

"Okay well I have to go out of town for a few days, Wayne will be here, and it will only be till Friday" She said smiling.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't think I was ready for it to just be me and Wayne, but I had to be strong, for my mom. So I just nodded and smiled.

"okay, I have to go to school" I gave her a hug and ran out the door without saying anything to Wayne.

I walked into school and no one even gave me a second glance, something was up.. why weren't they bullying me? I saw Reginae walking up to me with her group.

"they won't bully you anymore" Reginae smiled.

"you serious? thanks" She nodded and acted like she wanted to say something else to me but I left without another word, I didn't know if I wanted to be friends with her. I walked in to Science and took a seat next to Jacob. We were in the middle of discussing Aquatic Biomes when he passed me a note.

I like you a lot, would you consider going on a date with me this Saturday? --

Circle one, YES   NO  If its no I understand, please give this back to me at lunch.



 It was now five minutes till lunch and I still didn't know what to do, I wanted to go out with him, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. When I heard the bell ring, I walked to the lunch room. As soon as Jacob saw me he stood up and walked over to me.

"Come on" I grabbed his hand and led him to the gym.

"Look, I just can't go out with you.. I like you a lot but you know what happened with my last relationship and I am not ready to date again" Jacob looked hurt but he just nodded. 

"I'm not like him though Kayleen, I would never hurt you" 

"I know that but I'm not ready, and I don't want to ruin our friendship, because lets face it, you are the only friend I have, plus my dad would never let me go out with you, He won't even let me go outside without a bodygaurd, and I can't keep sneaking out, if he found out I was with a boy, I think he would kill us both!" I laughed at the last part, but his face remained serious. He was thinking hard. 


"We can still be friends right?"

"Yeah" He was clearly still thinking so I just waved at him goodbye and walked back to lunch.


I was walking out of school when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Jacob. 

"Its not a date, tell your dad its not a date, were just going to hang out.. watch a movie.. whatever but you can tell your dad its not a date at all." I smiled he was trying so hard.


"Saturday, I'll pick you up at 6" I gave him a hug and then walked home.

My dad is.. (Lil Wayne fan fic) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now