Chapter 21 ~ The Meeting

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Chapter 21- The Meeting

I was just coming home from school, I had to meet Adrian in 20 minutes. I walked in and changed clothes, I grabbed my backpack and put one of my dad's guns in there, if he was as dangerous as everyone kept saying I needed to be ready. I ran downstairs and walked out the door. I saw him sitting on the bench, the bench I was sitting on the night of our date.

"Hi Adrian"

"Hey babe" he grabbed for my hand but I jumped back, I was nervous.

"I just came to say I'm sorry, I should have never touched you, and I hope you can forgive me"

"I don't know if I can, honestly Adrian,  I really liked you and you beat me."

"and thats why im here, to make it up to you"

"okay" I walked with him to an ice cream shop and we sat down.

"how have you been Kayleen?"

"good, and you?"

"I've been alright, the passed few weeks I've felt so guilty for what I did to you, and Im just really sorry"

"yeah but why did you even do it?"

"I dont even know, I guess I was just mad, I should have never done it though, and I really regret it babe"


"So hows the family?"

"there good Adrian"

"how many times do I have to say im sorry?"

"it doesn't matter if you say it a million more times, I won't ever forgive you" he sighed and looked into my eyes.

"Lets go over there" he pointed to a random shop and I nodded and stood up. we were walking down a little alley, and I was feeling very uncomfortable.

"I know a faster way to go, come on" he opened a door and I saw a set of stairs. I walked up them and there was a hallway to another set of stairs, I started walking down the hall way.


"don't call me that, I have a boyfriend" all of a sudden I saw the same look as I saw in the car that night, I knew I needed to get out of there, I looked around searching for a door or window, something.

"what the fuck you mean you have a boyfriend?" he shoved me against a wall, and that knocked the wind out of me. I fell on the ground, trying to run away. he grabbed me again and now was on the ground with me kissing me neck.

"im gonna make you forget you ever had a boyfriend" when his hands went up my shirt I squirmed around looking for something, I felt my backpack and I remembered, the gun. I grabbed it pushed it onto his head.

"goodbye Adrian"

I pulled the trigger and immediately regretted it. I just killed someone. His body slumped down, still on top of me. I looked around and thought about what to do. I called Wayne.

"Kayleen, what im busy"


"yeah, what's wrong?"

"dad.. I just killed someone"


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