Chapter 12 ~ Halloween Party

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Chapter 12- Halloween Party

So, its been a few weeks since I've told them. I hardly ever get to go out of the house, not because I can't, but mostly because I have to have a bodyguard at all times, and I just don't feel like getting stared at by everyone in the city of Miami. It is now Halloween and I am not really doing anything. Ever since the night Jacob helped me, we have been texting. He is having a Halloween party tonight, which I'm invited to, but I don't feel like dealing with all the school bullshit.

I am sitting in my room right now, music blasting through my headphones and I'm doing some homework. All of Wayne's kids were here, along with all there mothers. They were going trick-or-treating with them at 6PM, it was 5:50 right now. They were just getting ready to leave.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" My mom asked me as I walked down the stairs.

"I'm good, thanks though," I said and Cameron ran up to me, cupping his hands around my ear.

"I'll get extra candy for you!" He said giggling and ran away.

"We will be back before 9, don't do nothin stupid," Wayne said walking out the door.

I waved at them and a text popped up on my phone. Jacob.

Jacob: Hey. Reginae isn't going to be at the party, so come..Please?

I looked at it and laughed.. but then I thought, if Reginae wasn't there, most of the populars wouldn't be there. I picked up my phone and replied.

Me: I'll be there at 9:30

Jacob immediately responded, 'perfect'


It was now 8:30 and I was getting ready, I was wearing a very short dress, It was suppose to be a 'crayon'. It was lime green and really complimented my skin tone. I finished doing my hair and then through on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, my parents couldn't see me dressed like this. As I sat back in my chair I heard the door open and then I heard lots of commotion, everyone was home.

Wayne took all the little ones to their rooms to go to sleep, then him and all the other adults were going to some party, Reginae was going there to. They were leaving right then, so Wayne and my mom had come to say goodnight.

"Bye love you!" They both said and I nodded.

"Yeah bye," I had never told Wayne I loved him, I honestly didn't know. He left me when I was little, he choose another child over me, I didn't know if I did.

They left and it was now 9:15, time for me to leave. The babysitter was over just incase any of the boys woke up, I was about to walk out when a voice stopped me.

"Where you goin dressed like that?" It was a familiar voice but I couldn't remember who it was until I turned around, Drake. Ugh, why does everything in my life have to be so difficult?

"A party." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"And your dad knows about this? And where is your bodyguard?" He questioned.

"Yeah he knows, he let me go without one."

He shook his head.

"Okay, I'm gonna call him and make sure," he took out his phone and started to dial the number, I ran up to him and about tackled him.

"What the hell?"

"Don't call him."

"And why is that?"

"I don't want you to bother him." Okay, these lies were getting out of control.

"Oh I'm sure he won't mind."

"Please,  just let me go, act like you never saw me, I won't do anything stupid, promise"

"Okay but you have to text me when you get there and when you leave, you better not be out past one, and explaining this shit to your parents, that's on you, don't try to put me in that shit."

"Okay, love you so much, bye!" I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, than ran out the door without giving him a chance to answer.

I walked down the street and turned towards Jacobs house, I could already hear the music. I walked in and texted Drake before someone grabbed my hand, I looked back and saw it was Jacob.

"I'm glad you could make it."

"Me too."

We walked all around the house and then found a table with a bunch of jello shots on it. He handed me one and I took it, and ate it, it was good! then the guilt hit me, I thought about me worried parents and walked off again. I was about to leave when something stopped me. It was like my head told me to leave but my body walked back to the table and grabbed another shot. Jacob smiled at me and I smiled right back.


It was now 12:50 and I had texted Drake saying I was coming home. I laughed as I wrote it, he acted like he was my dad. At the same time, I felt mad at myself, I shouldn't have gone to this party, I was definitely drunk, but I could handle my alcohol pretty well. Jacob had lead me around to the different tables, and we had both taken some of each, and by the end of the night, I felt like I was my old self, the one everyone liked, the one that would talk to anyone, not the shy one. I didn't know about it, but I felt great at this point.

My dad is.. (Lil Wayne fan fic) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now