Chapter 17 ~ Not A Date - Part 2

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Chapter 17- Not A Date - Part 2

Today was Saturday, the day of my 'not a date' Wayne hadn't talked to me since the fight and it was irritatating me. My mom had gotten home really late last night. I was wearing some really short athletic shorts and a tanktop, I had my hair up and grabbed my phone and earphones, I was going for a run. I tied my shoes and walked down the stairs. My mom was having some attitude tords both Wayne and I this morning and it didn't help that I wouldn't talk to Wayne and he wouldn't talk to me.

"Where do you think your going?"

"For a run"

"Not dressed like that"

"Whats wrong with this, its fucking hot out there!"

"Do not swear at me little girl"

"Yeah whatever" I run out the door and put in my earphones before she could say another word. I ran almost every weekend to clear my mind. I thought about everything, from Wayne to Jacob to Reginae. I ran 2 miles and then took a shower. I got dressed in some boy shorts and a tank top and walked downstairs.

"What is up between you and Kayleen?" I over heard my mom talking to Wayne.

"She hates me, she doesn't want me in her life, so I'm not going to be in it. I just want to make her happy, and she is obviously not happy here." 

"Baby she is just going through a stage, she wants attention" 

"I don't know if this is a stage.. I've been through this with Nae and she never said anything like that"

"Honestly I think this is just for attention, we can talk to her tonight" 

"Nah she has a date tonight" He looked up and saw me watching them. 

"Haha, thats such a joke, like I would let her go out with some boy I've never even met"

"I said she could go Jennifer, just let it go" I was now in the kitchen trying not to get in the middle of there conversation. My mom recognized that I was there and quickly shut her mouth.

"So your going on a date then?" my mom said with some attitude.

"nah we just chillin" Okay, I was sounding more like Wayne every day..

"Really? Chilling? where are you going?"

"to the movies"

"okay, when a boy tells you he wants to go tp the movies with you, thats not chilling sweetheart- thats definitely a date"

"He said it wasn't a date" I kinda laughed it off but my mom stayed serious, Wayne had been silent the whole conversation.

"you and me both know this is a fucking date! what are you laughing at? what happens when he turns out to be just like Adrian? Don't come crying to me little girl"

"I won't come crying to you, I never did with Adrian either did I? why do you have to keep bringing that shit up? And I don't need you, at least Wayne has my fucking back"

Both of my parents looked a bit shocked. I just walked up the stairs it was already 5:25 so I needed to get ready.

After lotioning and doing all the hygiene stuff I got dressed, it was cooling down to where it was about 65 degrees at night, so this outfit would be perfect! I put it on and accessorized with the blue earrings and then I curled my hair and put my makeup on perfectly. I smiled at my finished look, I was so gorgeous. It was 5:55 when the door bell rang. Wayne beat me to the door and opened it. Jacob was standing there smiling.

"Hey Jacob" I smiled and gave him a hug. Wayne looked like he was going to hurt him but he calmed down when my mom walked in.

"You must be Jacob"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Jacob let me talk to you for a minute" Wayne said walking tords the kitchen. I gave him a glare but he smiled a laughed it off. My mom was busy taking pictures of me and putting them all over Facebook.

A few minutes later Jacob walked back in still smiling. I said goodbye and we left. he was already 15, so he had a permit. He had a really nice car, but who am I kidding- hes flipping Jacob Latimore! 

He drove us to the movie theater and we got tickets to Divergent.

"One medium popcorn and a bag of those red skittles" I said smiling. I grabbed both things and Jacob paid.


"no problem" he said as we found seats. The commercials were still playing so we were talking.

"okay put those in there" I pointed to the skittles and popcorn.

"hell no!"

"its good though, just try it, for me."

"fine, but if I don't like it, its on you" I laughed and open the skittles and pour them all over the popcorn. he took a bite.

"its aight"

"you know you love it Jake just say it, 'Kayleen you were right'"

"your to much" he laughed and took another piece of popcorn.


After the movie we went out to eat. We were waiting for our food and talking about random things.

"So in all those year did you ever expect your dad to actually be Lil Wayne?"

"My mom told me he had died, so not really"

"that doesn't seem fair"

"well I mean she never expected to see him again.. I was just mad at Wayne because he never even tried to have a relationship with me you know? I could have had a dad but he didn't even try"

"I understand"

"I mean I sure didn't expect it when it happened, but I never in my life thought I would be hanging out with Jacob Latimore either"

"your cool, you know? everyone else treats me like such a celebrity, but you don't,  you treat me like I'm just normal"

"Well I guess I'm used to being around celebrities all day and night"

"you gorgeous too, I don't think I've ever seen someone prettier" Well that little comment had me blushing, hard.

"Thank you"

"aww don't get all shy and shit"

"im not, im not.. thanks- your very handsome"

"really? handsome?"

"sorry Jacob, your sexy"

"thats what I thought" he laughed as our food was set in front of us.


"I just want to let you know, I will take this relationship as slow as you need, I kmow what you have been through and I would never hurt you, I just wanted to let you know"

"thank you Jake, that means a lot" He nodded.

"I really like you Kayleen"

"I like you too" we were on the front porch and I was almost sure both of my parents were watching us out of the window. he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and hugged me and then I walked in the door.

I was right, they were both standing there watching my every move.

"hi" I smiled and started up the stairs.

"wait, how was the date?" Wayne suprised me by saying.

"I think I'm in love" I laugh as I walk into my room

My dad is.. (Lil Wayne fan fic) |EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now