Chapter Sixteen: This Means War (Edited)

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Chapter Sixteen: This Means War
I spent the whole of last night stuck in my room trying to hide from my dad. I was still kind of pissed with the whole ‘Scarlet is a slut and lives for the D’ situation that happened at school and I knew that with all my anger if I was anywhere near my dad a fight would have broken out.

As I walk to school the next morning I have a feeling that something bad is going to occur today which makes me hesitant. I know that with Violet staying at home Scarlet is probably going to take her wrath out on Maddi and I. There's no way in hell I was going to let Maddi deal with that on her own.

Walking up the staircase to the main doors at school, I make sure to keep an eye out for Maddi knowing that it's only going to be the two of us for the day. Spotting her at my locker, I hurry over trying to get to her so we can get through the day as fast as possible.

“Hey.” Maddi speaks dejectedly.

“Don’t sound too happy its Friday.” I reply in a light tone.

“Yeah well I saw Scarlet and let’s just say I’m pretty sure today is going to feel longer than a half day.”

“Oh God.” I groan banging my head against my locker before opening it to get my books.

“Quickly get your shit because I see her coming this way.” Maddi rushes me pulling out my books and handing them to me, shutting my locker and pushing me in the opposite direction.

“Hey how do you know what classes I have?” I ask resisting her shoves.

“Because I helped show you around the first day genius.”

“True, true.” I say nodding my head.

Allowing Maddi to drag me to chemistry, I realise that even though we did manage to avoid one problem I wasn’t going to be so lucky. I was hoping that today would be a Gabriel free day but that ship sails as soon as Maddi pulls me to a stop in front of the classroom door.

“Okay so we have a free after so find me at the benches outside the cafeteria and we can work on our game plan.” She practically orders walking away from me.

“Sir yes sir!” I salute her laughing as I make my way into the classroom.

My laughter is short lived when I spot Gabriel already sitting at our bench looking straight at me. Groaning I walk over to where the teacher’s desk is hoping that reasoning with him can somehow stop me from sitting next to Gabriel.

“Excuse me sir?”

“Yes, Ava is it?” He asks.

“Uh yeah, I was just wondering if maybe I could sit next to someone else?” I asks putting on my I’m so innocent voice.

“Ava as much as I want to help you, I'm not going to. Gabriel isn’t a social student and even in your brief time together he has managed to hold a longer conversation even if it ended terribly.” He shrugs looking back down to the papers on his desk.

Gaping at his answer, I slowly close my mouth and frown as I turn around keeping my gaze anywhere that isn't Gabriel and walk towards the back of the room. 

As I reach the table, I keep my gaze firmly on the ground while trying to manoeuvre my way into the seat without looking up. I can practically feel Gabriel’s seering gaze burning into the back of my skull as I unskilfully manage to sit on the chair.

“Having fun there?” Gabriel’s deep voice asks from next to me.

Looking up to see that the teachers back is facing us, I lift my hand and stretch it out so that it's in front of Gabriel. Turning my hand so the back was facing him I flip him the bird and hold it there before dropping it when the teacher turns around.

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