Chapter Thirteen: Meet The Fockers (Edited)

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Chapter Thirteen: Meet The Fockers
Laying down in my bed staring at my ceiling, I can’t help but go over the events that occurred tonight.

~4 Hours Ago ~

We are all seated around the dinner table, Gabriel on my left and his brother Dominic on my right. The kids were facing the adults with Gabriel's mom sitting opposite me and in-between his dad and mine.

Mrs O'Connell places the last bowl filled with mac and cheese alongside the roast chicken, roast potatoes, roast pumpkin and carrots and a salad, the food is pretty good but it’s probably because it had been a while since I last ate a home cooked meal, but nevertheless it was nice.

Conversations flows easily and after what happened the last time our families had gotten together for dinner, it's pretty obvious to me that Gabriel’s parents, his mother especially, is trying to avoid asking me any personal questions.

“Ava, what do you plan on doing when you finish school?” Looking over to Gabriel’s father, Mike, I swallow my food and reply.

“I haven’t really looked into anything and I don’t really have any big ideas.”

“Seeing as you and Gabriel have been hanging out, I don’t see why he can’t help you look at careers and subjects that they offer at college.” Gabriel’s mom, Sara, suggests.

They only way that is ever going to happen is…well never. I think to myself, while I nodding in reply to Sara’s comment, there's a brief silence before Sara speaks again.

“Is everyone enjoying their dinner?” Murmurs of ‘yes’ and ‘yum’ echo through the room making Sara smile and sit back in her seat.

Looking down at my plate I notice that a few of my potatoes are gone and so is the medium size portion of my mac and cheese. Moving my head to the left, I see Gabriel smiling at me while nodding his head towards his plate. Moving my eyes to his plate, I see my mac and cheese mixed with his own as well as my potatoes.

Sucking in a deep breath my eyes widen before I look back up at him glaring at what he just did. Even though I'm not in the mood for real food I am craving some pancakes and waffles but I'm going to be rude and not eat. My dad would probably throw another hissy fit.

“Your cooking is absolutely amazing Sara, I can’t remember when the last time I had a home cooked meal was.” Looking up I see my dad smiling at Sara as she stands up to collect the plates.

“You’re too kind Felix.” She replies laughing a little.

“Kids why don’t you go to the lounge while we clean up in here. We’ll call you when desserts ready.” Mike speaks as he also starts to clear the table.

Pushing my chair back, I stand up and turn to follow Dominic out of the room. Following him down the hall and can’t help but notice how close Gabriel is behind me. I can practically feel him breathing down my back.

I wonder what would happen if I stopped walking. Smirking to myself I stop walking and a millisecond later Gabriel walks straight into me. Grunting he pushes me roughly to the side, gives me a side glare before continuing down the hall.

“Someone’s on their period.” I mumble walking after him.

As I enter the lounge room I notice the L shape brown couch which is placed in front of the TV that is fit into the opposite wall. I look around to see where the boys are, Dominic is sitting on the pillows that are on the floor and Gabriel is laying down on the L part of the couch.

Choosing to sit as far away from Gabriel as I can, I opt for the left side of the couch. Walking over to it, I step over Dominic’s feet and collapse into the couch.  Looking at the TV I see that Duck Dynasty is on, internally celebrating I keep my poker face on as I continue to watch.

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