Mysterious Sex Woman: Explanation

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Hi readers! So I just wanted to explain the character of the 'Mysterious Sex Woman'. So here it is.
      Firstly, I'll tell you a little bit about her. So I'm not going to tell you her name just yet but you will get to know her better in the next chapters. This woman has a dark background. She has been through lots and has survived much violence and torment. She now wishes to get revenge. She actually had something to do with Kieran. They planned on doing something amazing, however as soon as Shimmer entered Kieran's life. He realised that he loved Shimmer and not this woman. He realised that she wasn't the one. So he left her.
       Also,this woman loves to have sex! She uses sex as a sort of drug or medicine. Whenever she is stressed or anxious she usually has sex with her men. That is why she had sex with Lucas first and then a threesome with Stefan and Damon. She is worried that her plans will go wrong! Or that someone will be able to stop her. She is also a part of something big. And I won't tell you what it is yet.
     Like you may know she is planning something big for Kieran Romano. Here is a quote from the last chapter.

"You won't even see it coming! Your little heart will belong to mine in no time. Oh... not to forget your BROKEN heart will be handed to me. I'll crush your heart up so badly that you will NEVER leave me! You will be begging me to have you!" I said to myself.

This is when she receives the news that her letter was sent to Kieran and that he had seen it. If you can't remember the letter then here it is.

Dear Kieran,
Did you like my surprise? I'm sure you didn't! But I loved it! How is Shimmer? Is she hurt? Why am I even asking? I don't care about her! She is a piece of worthless junk! She is a fucking bitch! She's a slut!
Anyway, this is for you! To let you know that this isn't even the beginning! In fact, you will have to wait for the beginning. You will have to lose that temper of yours! You must be patient love!
You see sexy... I plan on torturing Shimmer so much that she will die a slow and painful death! She will suffer at my hands and trust me she will pay for everything that she has done! You won't even see it coming!

Love from,
Anonymous xxx

P.S I hope to meet you soon! In fact we WILL meet soon! But be patient sexy! Be patient.

So in this letter she told Kieran or she wrote to Kieran telling him that the letter isn't the beginning of his torture. She plans on torturing Shimmer so much that she will die a slow and painful death. She plans on making Shimmer suffer at her hands! As she knows that Kieran loves Shimmer so that's why she is targeting Shimmer. She knows that it will break Kieran's heart if his baby died or if Shimmer died. She knows that Kieran would die without Shimmer and that he would literally not be able to live without her.
        Also like I said at the beginning she has been through much. She has survived many violent things. This is what caused her to become such an uncaring person. The violence in her life took over her heart and so she only knows how to hurt people. She has not really explored or experienced love as her parents died during her childhood.
       So, all of these things cause this woman to be the person that she is. A heartless and cruel bitch. She doesn't care for people and doesn't value men. Her heart got locked away years ago. So she is never really nice to anyone. Unless she needs something from them.
     That's all I'm going to tell you about the Mysterious Sex Woman! I hope you will now know or understand her character better. If there are any questions about her then feel free to let me know. I will try to answer your question without giving you too much detail as I would like you to slowly discover her character.

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