Finding My Way Back Home

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Prompt: "I love you, and I hate that, because I know I'm suppose to hate you. But I can't"

yay an au!!!


They met five years ago in a crowded club, Jasmine getting separated from her friends and ending up pushed up against the cute stranger who she would soon know as Anthony Ramos.

She joked about it at first, even in her drunken state she could make her mind clear enough to make stupid jokes to some guy she didn't know.

"Well this is weird," She giggled, stumbling a little bit and causing Anthony to rest his hands on her waist to hold her steady.

"How drunk are you?" Anthony called out over the music, noticing how close Jasmine was to him at that moment, and he honestly wasn't complaining too much.

"Very!" Jasmine called back, resting a hand on the strangers back, her hands trailing up and down his back.

"Anthony Ramos," Anthony spoke, the stupid smile that Jasmine fell in love with spreading across his face.

"Cute! Jasmine Cephas Jones!" Jasmine more announced than said, practically screaming over the music as her body swayed to the beat of the music.

That night the two ended up at Anthony's, only remembering small and subtle details the morning after.

But for some reason they stuck together after that and one date turned into another and by the next month they were dating.

Four years into their relationship everything came crashing down. It was random and that's what hurt the most, it was catastrophic. They lived their life one way and one day everything changed, including them.

But apparently they were still way too similar and when their friends forced them into a club, it was the same one they met at. They both knew why they did it but they'd never admit it to anyone.

Again, Jasmine was separated from her friends and when she turned around, she was pressed up against her ex boyfriend. Except it didn't feel the same anymore. It felt awkward and uncomfortable, like it wasn't meant to happen anymore."

"Uh," Is all Anthony could say, except this time he didn't put his hands on her waist.

"It's been a while," Jasmine admitted, just going for it and bringing these things up.

"Um, yeah it really has," Anthony awkwardly agreed as he glanced everywhere but Jasmine.

"How have you been?" Anthony asked after Jasmine didn't respond, but she didn't move either, she couldn't move because of the limited space but she still didn't even try.

"I love you and I hate that because I know that I'm supposed to hate you," Jasmine confessed, "But I can't," She added on.

"You still love me?" Anthony asked, the feeling becoming weird, out of place and confused.

"I've never stopped," She admitted, and in that moment Anthony realized he felt the same way, he never could stop loving her even if he tried.

They were ex's and the rule of life was to not talk to your ex, to not drunk text your ex and to not still love your ex; Jasmine and Anthony broke all of those rules.

They just stared at each other, taking in the features that they missed so much. The freckles dotting Anthony's face, the way his lights would light up when there was music playing, how happy he always was, his smile, his laugh, everything about him. Jasmine wasn't wearing makeup and Anthony loved that the most, the way that her face looked with the club lights hitting her face, how happy she looked even when he knew she wasn't.

And then her lips were pressed against his, the same old feeling that they both missed coming back to them quicker than they ever thought it could. It was slow and passionate, much like their first kiss.

When they pulled away they were both smiling, a genuine smile that hadn't ever been this real since they had broken up.

It was just like the first time they met, their friends getting long forgotten as they were out the door and in Anthony's apartment an hour later. When they got home they wasted no time in making their way to the bedroom, their clothes long forgotten as they got used to the feelings that they missed more than anything.

Hours later they were lying beneath the sheets, Jas curled into Anthony's chest, tracing little patterns against his arms as he played with her curls.

"You want to do this again?" Anthony said into the comfortable silence of the room.

"What? Have sex? Not now...! We just did, chill Ramos," She giggled.

"No, no!" He laughed along with Jasmine, "Date again,"

Jasmine looked at him for a second, just taking in his features before she smiled and nodded.

"If this is you asking me out, then of course." Jasmine tilted her head up and pecked his cheek.

Anthony only smiled in response because he was happy. He was happy he had his girl back.

Though the reasons for their original breakup were messy, it still happened. The break up still happened. But months later they found each other again. They found their homes again.

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