Disney World

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prompt: "they loose their kid in disney land"

anon i'm changing this to disney world...because i know nothing about disney land


Disney was a dream for Jasmine and Anthony. The first time they visited the parks together was when they lived in Los Angeles for a couple of months while Anthony worked on his first album.

But now they had two children and were more than happy to return to Disney. Though it was Disney world, and not Disneyland, they were still beyond excited for their little ones to experience the magic of Disney.

On their third day they decided to spend some time at the resort, a somewhat fancy and kid friendly place.

They were in the pool area and Jasmine was busy putting sunscreen on her six month year old little boy and Anthony was off looking for a life jacket for their three year old. But what neither of them noticed was Mia wondering away when they weren't paying attention to her.

"Mi your tu—" Jasmine turned around to pick her daughter up but her eyes widened when she wasn't there.

Her mind immediately went to the worst. Her baby girl was in a water park, without floaties, and couldn't swim on her own.

She was in the middle of panicking when Anthony came back over to her with their little girl in his arms and a life jacket now on her.

"Oh my god, you're okay," Jasmine breathed out as she pulled the little girl into her arms and hugged her tightly, something the little girl returned with a giggle.

"Babe why are you saying that..?" Anthony said, deeply concerned for a moment.

"When I was putting sunscreen on Mase, little princess uh, she uh kinda walked away," Jasmine admitted as she watched her husband pick up their son.

"Oh.." Anthony said, kind of shocked that had happened so soon, "But she's okay now baby girl." He pressed a kiss to his girls foreheads and held his little boy close.

Jasmine couldn't help but get protective around her babies, and when things like this happened she immediately thought of the worst. But in reality everything usually turned out well.

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