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prompt: "please tell me he isn't doing his victory dance behind me"


Decorating a nursery took a lot of work. Since Jasmine couldn't lift anything and Anthony wouldn't let her do anything at all because she technically was supposed to be on bed rest, he invite his entire family over to help out.

Little arguments started as Jasmine decided to change her mind on almost everything.

"I mean, what about a pale yellow?" Jasmine suggested with a shrug.

"I think a grey would be nice," Anthony's sister commented from across the room where she was looking at the few paint swatches they had.

"No, no. Grey is depressing and this baby is going to be happy," Jasmine refused with an over dramatic sigh.

"I think a baby blue would work," Anthony added on, a bit terrified to hear his wife's criticism at his suggestion.

"Maybe. But isn't that too like, basic? Also, it's a girl and blue is usually associated with boys so," Jasmine fought back with a shrug.

"But blue is cuter than yellow, Jazzy," Anthony pointed out.

After a few seconds of thinking, Jasmine sighed and slowly nodded.

"You're right. Baby blue it is," She nodded, turning around to grab something from her brother in law.

"Dear God, please tell me he isn't doing his victory dance behind me," Jasmine joked when she didn't see her husband for a few seconds.

"Surprisingly no...!" Stephanie giggled, helping Jasmine pick out a few more things so that the baby could have a perfect room.

Things like this were the things that Jasmine and Anthony knew they'd have to agree on in one way or another and they didn't know how much they'd like it, but they knew they'd have to get used to it as they prepared to become parents very soon.

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