You should've told me

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prompt: "Anthony didn't tell Jas he was leaving before everyone else and when he announces it to the cats she starts crying and runs off and he goes to comfort her."

feedback is appreciated! see you all monday!


"Ant just tell us! You've kept us waiting for ten minutes!" Oak called out and the rest of the cast responded in agreement.

Anthony was still looking down at his phone as Jasmine was texting him. "Hold on a minute, we gotta wait for Jas."

Then a few minutes later Jasmine walked into the room wearing one of Anthony's flannels and everyone loudly commented on it.

"You don't own your own clothes do you?" Carleigh asked, a smile on her face.

Jasmine shook her head no and walked into the crowded room. She pushed past Oak who was sitting on the floor and walked over Carleigh and Seth who were sitting in a corner flirting.

"There's no where to sit or even stand." She mumbled, assuming no one heard her because they were all deep into their own conversations.

However Anthony grabbed her hand so she faced him. "Sit with me."

Then Jasmine shrugged and sat on her boyfriends lap, ignoring all the jokes and comments made towards them.

"Ya'll shut up so I can tell you the thing." That caused the entire room to go silent, everyone staring at Anthony in anticipation.

Jasmine didn't even know what was happening.

"This is kind of important and I really haven't told any of you because I was trying to wait and I thought it would be easier but it's not. There's no easy way to do this," All the cast stared at him in confusion, Jasmine gave him a concerned look and gently squeezed his hand. "I'm leaving on November 22nd." Silence.

Jasmine broke the silence, her look changing from worried to hurt. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, her voice way more watery than she expected it to be.

No one knew what to do. Jasmine and Anthony were the couple that told each other everything.

"I—Uh didn't get around to telling you yet." He lied and Jasmine could see right through him.

"Forget it Anthony, it doesn't even matter anymore." She stood up, pushing past the cast members until she was out the door. She walked into her dressing room, shutting the door behind her. She didn't get it. Why wouldn't Anthony tell her? Was he scared she would be hurt? Did he just not care about her to tell her? She didn't know.

Then her door was pushed open. "Jas, let me explain, please." He nearly begged.

"You have five minutes." She sighed and heard the door close behind her.

Once he saw her face he gasped, walking towards her and swiping his thumb across her cheek to get rid of the tears that had fallen. She didn't even know she was crying.

He kissed her forehead before walking back to sit down in one of the chairs. "I found out about a month ago." He admitted nervously.

"And you didn't care to tell me?" Jasmine tried not to raise her voice but she was failing.

"I couldn't."

"Why's that? Were you too scared to hurt me? I'm not a child Anthony."

"Not it's not—"

He was interrupted by Jasmine. "I'm fine here on my own Anthony."

"I'm not saying you're no—"

"Could you just go?"

"Can we talk first, please? I need to explain." He sighed.

"I guess. You have three minutes so hurry up."

"I got the call uh in..September," He paused, ignoring Jasmine's annoyed look. "It's for a show. It's a Netflix show. I'm of the leads." He said slowly, he didn't know how she would react.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me!?" She squealed before hugging him tightly.

He hugged her as well, shocked she took it so well. "You're not mad?"

"I was. I'm proud of you but why didn't you tell me Ant? You know I love you no matter what."

"You were doing your movie and I didn't want you to think I was trying to steal your success or something." He mumbled.

She pulled away from the hug and placed her hands on his shoulders, standing on her tip toes.

"Ant, babe, I don't think that at all. I'm proud of you and really excited for this."

Anthony didn't respond, pressing his lips against hers.

Then Mandy pushed the door open and the couple quickly pulled away from the kiss. "I was coming to see if you guys were okay because we have a show in a hour but it looks like you're okay." She sighed and shook her head before leaving.

"Well. Where were we?" Anthony teased, winking at her.

Jasmine leaned up and kissed his lips before grabbing his hand. "Come on, Ramos. They're gonna come in here again if we don't go."

Then they left the room hand in hand.

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