New Baby?

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prompt: Maybe Ant and Jas telling their kid(s) they're going to have a baby brother or sister.

as always, leave feedback please!! also you can send me any requests that include the kids at any ages because i love writing kid fics!


"Do you think today's a good day to tell them?" Jasmine questioned, picking her head up from where it was resting on her husbands chest.

Anthony nods, going through a drawer to grab the ultrasound picture that they could show the kids.

Jasmine glances over at him, slightly nervous for some reason. She didn't know how the kids would react even though they were both young.

"Stop worrying," Anthony grabbed Jasmine's hand, intertwining their fingers in attempt to soothe her worries.

"There's really nothing to worry about, is there?" Jasmine sighed, trying to face the reality that her kids would be more than happy.

"No baby there isn't. They're six and three, I doubt they'll understand what's happening.." Anthony trailed off, toying with Jasmine's hair.

"Will you go pick Mi up from school?" Jasmine glanced up at her husband, a little smile spreading across her lips.

"Of course," Anthony agreed, pressing a quick kiss to Jasmine's lips before getting changed and going to pick Mia up from school.

Jasmine walked downstairs to wake Mason up from his nap.

"Hey buddy!" Jasmine smiled at the little boy who was happily smiling up at her, his green eyes wide open as his little hand pulled at some of his dark curly hair.

"Oh don't do that honey.." Jasmine gently untangled his hand from his hair and picked him up, the little boy resting his head on her chest.

"Sweepy," The little boy mumbled into Jasmine's shirt.

"I know but when big sister gets home for school we have a surprise for you!" She used her baby voice, the same voice she's been using for six years now, to get her little boy excited.

Thirty minutes and some apple juice later, the little family of four was sitting on the couch together, Mason in Jasmine's lap and Mia curled into Anthony's side.

Jasmine and Anthony exchanged a glance before nodding to each other.

"Hey babies? Mommy and I have to tell you something," Anthony smiled a little, fishing the ultrasound picture of their little baby out of his pocket and slipping it into Jasmine's hands.

"What is it Daddy?" Mia asked, too busy drinking her apple juice to look up.

"What it daddy!?" Mason repeated his sister in a way, the kids sharing a glance after this happened before bursting into giggles.

"Do you guys remember when you asked Santa for a baby brother or sister for Christmas and you never got that present..?" Jasmine tried to remind the kids, knowing that deep down they were still mad about it.

"Yes mama. Santa's mean," The little girl rolled her eyes, causing her parents to quietly laugh to themselves.

Jasmine ignored her comment and continued on.

"Well..." She trailed off, showing the toddlers the ultrasound picture.

"Mama what that?" Mia pointed to the picture in confusion, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to glance between both her parents in attempt to see what they meant.

"What that?" Mason chorused, poking at the picture with a giggle.

"That's your baby brother or sister," Anthony smiled, leaning over to squeeze Jasmine's hand.

The two children sat in silence before Mason loudly gasped and got off of Jasmine's lap and moved to the side of her.

"Baby!" He exclaimed, poking at her stomach that was still mostly flat, a little bump starting to form.

"Yeah there's a baby in there," Jasmine couldn't help the tears forming in her eyes when her two children sat on either side of her, talking to the little baby in her stomach.

Then seven months later, the four were in a new situation.

They were all sat in Jasmine's hospital room, the kids nervously walking into the plain room.

"Mama!" Mason exclaimed, getting a glare from his older sister.

"Don't scweam! Babies sleep!" Mia pointed out as if it was a obvious thing as the two walked over to the bed.

"She's not sleeping yet babies," Jasmine smiled weakly as she looked down at the little girl in her arms.

"Whats her name Mama?" Mia questioned, sitting on the edge of the bed with some help from Anthony.

"Candy! Name candy!" Mason giggled, causing Jasmine and Anthony to smile at their little boy.

"No..not exactly," Anthony smiled, helping Mason up on the bed next to his big sister.

"Her names Brooklyn Elizabeth Ramos," Jasmine smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of her newborn daughters head.

"Brooklyn.." Mia whispered as if she was testing the name out, "Brooklyn," She repeated, gently stroking the little girls face, "Hi baby sistah! I'm Mia and I wove you a lot!" She giggled as the little baby gently grabbed onto her finger.

"Bwooklyn!" Mason exclaimed, causing the littles babies face to scrunch up as if she was going to cry.

"Inside voices little one," Jasmine reminded her son.

"Sowwy mama. Hi Bwooklyn.." The little boy's voice trailed off to barely a whisper as he looked down at his baby sister.

The little girl grabbed at his finger, holding on tightly which caused the toddler to burst into giggles.

Though Jasmine and Anthony's third child wasn't planned at all, they didn't regret her whatsoever. If anything, the little girl brought the family closer and they would all be forever grateful for that.

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