Pizza Delivery

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prompt: "Character A is a pizza deliveryman (/woman), and character B orders a pizza. Character B keeps ordering pizza in hopes that they'll see character A again."

this was...seriously horrible oh my god?? i'm not sure what happened but!!! didn't even follow all the prompt either...!?!??


Pizza delivery was never a job Jasmine expected to do. She didn't want to do it either. This wasn't her dream job, but some poor excuse to make money when everything else was failing.

When delivering pizza she had met many different types of people. The nice parents, the bitchy grandmas, the guys who just wanted to get in her pants, the stoners who just really wanted pizza, and those few people who tried to vent their whole lives to her.

She worked the night shift usually, a shift that ran from 6pm until 12am. Though she was still in the process of trying to figure out what type of person would order pizza at 12am, she usually always found it to be the stoners or some bratty college kids.

It was a Thursday night and she was finishing up her shift, walking into the pizza shop to grab the last items to bring to some odd customer that just had to have pizza at 12am.

"Jasmine, hey! Last rounds of the night! Three fucking pizzas and a soda for some apartment in Bushwick. Probably some college kid living with their mom," Jasmine's manager, Alex, joked as she handed over the pizzas to her, Jasmine slipping them in the bag then readjusting her hat.

"College kids, my favorite!" Jasmine joked with an eye roll as her eyes glanced to the clock. 11:45. Just deliver this last order and you can be in bed watching Netflix.

"Totally. What's better, when they flirt with you or just look at you and ask for your number?" Alex smirked as she leaned up against the counter.

"I love both!" Jasmine joked once again, "Probably the stoners who ask if they can wear my hat though. Like I'm sorry but I ain't going to jail because of your high ass trying to fuck me then steal my hat...!" She laughed as she turned to go out the door.

"Have fun out there Cephas! No getting laid by random college kids!" Alex joked as she watched her best friend walk out the door and to her car.

Alex was really the only person Jasmine worked with in the later hours of the night. She never exactly interacted with the cooks enough to call them her friends, but there was always Alex there for her.

Jasmine pulled up to the apartment, quickly readjusting her hat and grabbing the bag out of her passenger seat, then the soda from the larger cup holder.

Once she made her way inside the apartment complex, the first thing she noticed was the out of order sign next to the elevators. Oh wonderful.

Jasmine made her way up the ten flights of stairs, dodging a few drunk college kids on the way up. Finally, she got to the floor and made her way down the hall to room 308.

Jas knocked on the door and was immediately met with the sounds of a puppy barking. Any other time her heart would be melting, but right now she just wanted to give this guy the damn pizza and get to her date with Netflix.

On the other side of the door, Anthony was quickly pulling a shirt on and setting his guitar back on his bed, all while trying to avoid his puppy attacking this poor pizza delivery person.

Jasmine gave her best its-almost-12am smile to the guy when he opened the door. Well he was cute, and his shirt was barely on, so that was a plus. Oh! He didn't look high or drunk either, so that was amazing.

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