Babies and Fights

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prompt: "Jas and Ant are arguing over something petty then their newborn baby starts crying and they sing to him/her and they make up watching their baby sleep"


Having a baby changed a lot in Jasmine and Anthony's lives. They had to put their daughter before them in almost every situation and sometimes it was so much.

The stress and sleep deprivation started getting to them and the arguments became more frequent.

"Seriously Jas? We promised my mom we would go over! We can't just cancel on her!" Anthony raised his voice, suddenly mad at his wife.

"No, Anthony! I told you my cousins from all the way across the god damn world are coming next week and I think that's more important than your mom who we see literally once a week!" Jasmine glared at him.

"But I already to—" He was cut off by the crying from their little girl.

"Look what you did!" Jasmine snapped as she roughly pushed past her husband and into their daughters room.

Jasmine held her daughter close, sitting down in the rocking chair in the corner of her room.

Anthony was in their room still thinking things over but he knew he needed to be with his girls.

So he walked in, smiling a little to see Jasmine sitting down, feeding their little girl.

"She was hungry," Jasmine whispered, kissing her daughters forehead.

After she was finished eating, Anthony picked the little girl up and placed her back in bed after pressing a kiss to her head.

"Goodnight princess, Mama and Daddy love you," He smiled when he saw the little girls eyes drifting shut.

"She's asleep?" Jasmine asked, pulling her shirt back down and walking to stand next to Anthony.

"Yeah," He simply nodded, still looking down at their little girl, Jasmine doing the same.

"You know, that was so stupid," Jasmine said after a while.

"Yeah it was," Anthony admitted as he wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulder.

"We're okay, right?" Jasmine asked, hoping she'd get a positive answer.

"Yeah baby girl, we are." Anthony nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead as they looked down at their little girl.

Being a parent was hard but there were little rewarding things that came with it. Fights were hard too but Jasmine and Anthony were glad their little arguments never escalated too far.

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