Little Family

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From the moment Jasmine and Anthony got Nala, she had always been attached to Jasmine. Once Jasmine got pregnant, Nala had become very protective of her. She always wanted to make sure her mom was safe and that the baby was safe too. But now their baby girl was actually here, and they had to bring her home to Nala and hope that the two would be okay with each other.

"You got her?" Jasmine asks her husband, setting the baby bag down on the counter. She sits down on the green couch, leaning back and trying to get as comfortable as she could for the fact she gave birth three days ago.

"Yeah, just gonna go set her car seat down." Anthony set the car seat down in the corner of the room. He rocks the little girl in his arms, sitting down next to his wife and gently passing the baby over to her.

"Hi baby," Jasmine whispers, pressing little kisses to the baby girls cheek. Their little girl has little spots of curls on her head, but that was her most noticeable feature so far. Jasmine swore she looked like a mini Anthony with all her other facial expressions though.

Nala woke up from her nap, hearing the voices in the room now. She stood up from her spot, stretches out, and then ran over to the couch where her parents and new baby sister were.

The baby fussed, Jasmine rocking her and shushing her.

"Nice, Nala," Anthony told the dog as he leaned down to pet her. "Baby Clara is still little and you've gotta be nice, okay?" The dog barks in response, making Anthony laugh.

"All the websites just said to introduce them to each other and hope it works out," Jasmine says, moving slowly to sit down on the floor next to her husband. "Sit, Nala."

Nala sat on the floor, sniffing around Jasmine. Jasmine held the little baby tighter, trying to make her feel as safe as possible.

Nala walks to the other side of Jasmine, just looking at the baby. She looked at her twice, then got up and walked away.

"She could literally care less." Jasmine laughs, holding her daughter in her arms.

"She'll care when baby girl is in charge." Anthony jokes, scooting over to sit closer with his wife.

"Nala. Say Nala, baby!" Jasmine encourages her seven month old daughter.

"Ahh!" The little girl squeals in response, babbling and sticking her hands in her mouth.

"Nala baby, come here!" Jasmine calls, the dog running over, her little feet making noise against the hardwood floor.

Clara reaches out to the dog, cooing loudly.

"That's Nala, Clara! Nala. Can you say Nala?" Jasmine says in her more high pitched 'baby voice', which always makes her little girl smile.

"Naaa!" The little girl shouts, reaching her little fingers out for the toy to the left of her.

"Here you go, baby." Jasmine sits the toy down for her daughter, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Naaalaa?" Clara exclaims, making Jasmine laugh and pick her up, kissing her cheeks. "Yeah baby, there you go!" Jasmine encourages, holding the baby close. "Daddy's gonna be so proud of you!"

"Naaalaa!" The little girl shrieks again, but this time Nala runs over to her, licking her face and making her laugh.

"Clara Ramos Martinez, don't you dare feed that food to the dog." Anthony warns, seeing his daughter three seconds away from dropping her leftover broccoli for Nala who eagerly waited on the ground.

"Daddyyy!" The four year old whines, setting her fork down on the table. "Nala likes broccoli!"

"Yeah, she might, but Nala is a dog. You are not a dog, so you need to eat your vegetables." Anthony tells his daughter while he feeds his other baby girl, Marisol, her baby food.

"Sissy don't eat broccoli!" Clara points out, making faces at the one year old baby.

Anthony laughs at that, shaking his head. "Baby girl, Sol is a baby still. But look, she eats her vegetables too! Just a little softer than you."

The front door opens, and Jasmine walks in, her little baby bump visible. Their third baby was the most surprising of the three kids, and also probably the most stressful so far.

"Mamaaa!" Clara yells. "I missed you!"

Jasmine walks into the kitchen, setting her bag down on the counter. She kisses both her daughters cheeks, and then sits down at the kitchen table with them. "I missed you too, baby!"

"Someone tried to feed Nala her broccoli today." Anthony tells his wife, earning gasps from the four year old.

"Daddy! Why'd you tell her!?" The little girl exclaims, looking at her father in shock.

"Because mama would agree with me." Anthony smiles at the annoyance on the little girls face.

"Baby girl, you've gotta eat your vegetables, okay?" Jasmine tells her eldest daughter.

"Nala says no!" Clara yells, causing Nala to bark loudly, and make the little girl laugh. "See? Nala says no."

Jasmine just shakes her head, slowly leaning down to pet Nala. "It's okay, baby. No broccoli for you!"

"Mama, Nala is mad at you." Clara tells her mother. Nala walked from Jasmine over to Clara, licking at her ankle.

"Okay, baby. Whatever you say." Jasmine laughs, giving Anthony a quick kiss before walking up to the bedroom.

Later that night, Jasmine, Anthony, and Nala lay in bed together. Jasmine was curled up against her husband, and Nala was on the other side of Jasmine, her head resting on Jasmine's barely visible baby bump.

"This is so full circle, you know?" Jasmine points out, petting the dog.

"Is it?" Anthony questions, leaning down to press a kiss to Jasmine's baby bump.

"Yeah. Started off with just us three, and now we have three more." Jasmine whispers, finding herself grow more tired.

"Goodnight, beautiful." Anthony tells his wife, letting her get some sleep.

Nala was there through every stage of their children's lives, and it was one of Jasmine and Anthony's favorite things. From seeing Nala interact with their newborns, to them learning her name, to them becoming best friends, Jasmine and Anthony loved it all.

Hi!! It's been a while! Hope you guys are doing good! I hope you like this little one shot! Check out my other one shot for some more stories that are updated a little bit more often than this book! Also, if you have any fic requests that are family/kids related feel free to leave those below so I can add them to the other book!!

[Tumblr: Jan-thony
Instagram: Jan.thony]

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