The Ending

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i'm sorry.. leave feedback. (this isn't the series of the kids. mia is still alive normally.)


Jasmine and Anthony got the call at 3am.

Their daughter was out with her husband the night before, the two leaving their daughter over at Jasmine and Anthony's.

When the couple never returned home the worried parents just assumed the two just wanted to get home and be alone together.

But then the call came in.

"Anthony I need you to wake up!" Jasmine cried, shaking her husbands arm.

"Wh—" Anthony opened his eyes, looking at his wife's tear stained face.

"I don't have time to talk we need to go!" She cried and pulled her sweater and sweatpants on, frantically looking for her shoes.

"Jas, honey, can you tell me what happened?" Anthony's voice turned from calm to concerned.

"We need to go!" Jasmine slipped on her shoes, rushing into the bedroom to get her sleeping granddaughters out of the little bed they were in.

Anthony walked in, his shoes and coat on.

Jasmine was in tears as she picked up the little girls, putting them in their little carriers and carrying them to the car.

Minutes later the four of them were situated in the car, quickly driving to the hospital.

"She's gonna die! I know she's gonna die! I cant loose her!" Jasmine cried into her hands, looking over at her husband who was driving as fast as possible.

Once they arrived at the hospital they were quickly directed to a waiting room that held Amelia's husband, Brooklyn and Mason.

"Mama what's happening?" Brooklyn asked, her voice breaking as she pulled her mom into a hug.

"I-I don't know honey but everything will be okay..Mia's strong.." Jasmine's voice trailed off as she tried to convince herself that everything would be okay.

"Jake..what happened?" Anthony sat next to Mia's husband, putting a hand on the 30 year old's shoulder.

"We were driving and the car—" His voice broke off as tears flooded his eyes, "A truck hit us..we swerved off the road completely and th-they thought I was a bystander and they won't let me see her and shit I lost her, I know I lost her!" The man cried as he took his children from Jasmine.

"Shh hone—" Jasmine went to attempt to soothe her son in law but was interrupted by the doctor walking out.

The five of them quickly stood up, rushing over to the doctor expectantly.

"Family of Amelia Ramos?" The doctor asked and the group nodded, confirming his suspicion.

"Is she okay!?" Jasmine asked, gripping her husbands hand and pulling her youngest daughter into her side.

"That's the issue. She's not going to make it. She's loosing blood too fast and there's nothing we can do at this point. She has a concussion, a broken arm, a broken leg, a fractured jaw and possible memory loss. I'm sorry. If you would like to go say your goodbyes you can, she's awake right now but we're not sure how long that will lost. I'm sorry." The doctor walked away from the family who was now in tears.

"Anthony.." Jasmine sobbed, falling into her husbands arms.

Anthony kissed Jasmine's forehead, trying to ignore the tears falling down his face.

"We need to be strong for them love," Anthony whispered, Jasmine nodding in agreement.

"Jake, honey, y-you can go see her first.." Jasmine gave her daughter husband the weakest smile and gave him a gentle push towards the room.

Then he walked in, saying his final but emotional goodbyes to the love of his life.

He walked out minutes later, hugging Jasmine and Anthony while the tears fell down his face.

Next was Brooklyn and Mason who had opted to go in together as emotion support.

The two cried their eyes out as they saw their big sister in the state she was in. She was pale and shaky, her voice barely coming out as a whisper as she talked to her younger siblings.

They walked out minutes later, the tears streaming down their face more than ever now.

"Mom, can go now," Mason croaked out, hugging his parents once before trying to comfort his little sister who was a mess of emotions.

"Come on," Anthony whispered, leaving Jasmine into the room.

Jasmine's vision was blurred, her voice shaky, her emotions high.

"" Mia whispered, the weak smile spreading across her pale lips.

"Mi.." Jasmine whispered, grabbing her little girls hand.

"I'm gonna die mama.." The girls voice became weaker and she got paler.

"I know honey..and I-I'm so grateful I got to witness how wonderful of a woman you've become. You're a force honey, you're so sweet and humble. I love you so much honey..forever and always," Jasmine's voice got choked up and the tears came down her face faster as she gripped her daughters hand tighter.

"I love you mama," Mia cried, turning to grip her dads hands hand now.

"Daddy.." The girls voice trailed off as she looked at her father who was now sobbing as well.

"We love you so much honey..we're so happy we got to witness your presence. We'll watch the kids..w-we can help the kids out..we can help Jake out..we love you honey," He pressed a kiss to his daughters head then quickly pulled his wife into his arms.

"Bye baby," Jasmine whispered, kissing her daughters head as well.

"Bye mama..I lov-" Mia took her final breathe, the heart monitor beeping interrupting the silence of the room.

Anthony had to lead his wife out of the room as he noticed her becoming unsteady and shaky, nearly passing out.

"Anthony I can't leave her! I cant leave her! Anthony no!" Jasmine sobbed, trying to push out of Anthony's room and to the room her daughter took her last breathes in.

"Let me go!" She sobbed.

"L-let me..." Jasmine whispered before falling against Anthony's chest.

It took years for the family to become okay. But even then they weren't okay. Amelia and Jake's little girls grew up without a mother, Mason and Brooklyn grew old without their big sister, but Jasmine and Anthony? Jasmine and Anthony were just waiting for the day when they could see their daughter again and when that day came, they would be happier than ever.

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