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prompt: "no stop im hurting from laughing so much"


One of Jasmine's favorite things about Anthony was his humor and how he had the ability to make her laugh during any given moment about the stupidest things ever.

They were on the metro in D.C. and it was way too early, only around 8am and Jasmine and Anthony were on their way to one of Jas' first events of the day.

Anthony was showing Janine a picture he had on his phone from when he was a baby, one of him and his sister looking completely done with each other and well baby Anthony was totally flipping off the camera.

"Oh my god," Jasmine giggled, covering her mouth with one of her hands.

"I can't believe you did t-that...!" Jasmine laughed harder, having to bury her face into Anthony's shoulder so she wouldn't disrupt any of the few people on the train more than she already was.

After she slightly calmed down from laughing, Anthony pulled his phone out to show her another.

"No stop! I'm hurting from laughing too much..! Not another!" She giggled, looking up at him.

"You get so entertained by the weirdest things, Cephas," Anthony pointed out, Jasmine nodding in agreement.

"This was funny..!" She defended, "Can't believe you did that!"

"I'm sure thousands of funny baby pictures of you exist too babe," He kissed her forehead and held her hand.

"They do, you just won't be seeing them!" Jasmine giggled, smiling at him.

Jasmine knew she was loopy at 8am..but when Anthony did things to make her laugh it got worse and he loved it because he knew she was happy and that's all that mattered.

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