Christmas Fight

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prompt: "Idk if it's too late to do a holiday prompt, but this one is semi-sad. Maybe one where it's Christmas Eve and Anthony does something stupid and they get in a fight and he leaves and then Jas is really sad and crying and everything you'd expect and then the next day on Christmas Anthony comes home and apologizes and gives a big speech about how much he loves her and then it's all good."


It was a stupid fight over who's house they would go to for Christmas, something they should've figured out way before the day before Christmas.

Either way it ended so badly that Jasmine told Anthony that they needed some space and he had to go home to his moms.

He regretted everything he said that night. He was stupid and he knew it, but he knew he needed to apologize too.

So the next day he knocked on the door with flowers in his hand, Jasmine answering it, her eyes bloodshot and her hair messy.

"What do you want?" Jasmine sighed as she let him in.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't of done that, it was so stupid. God Jazzy I love you, you're my wife, of course I love you. You're so amazing and I'm so in love with you and I really don't know why I've been so stupid to you and I'm so sorry...I-I hope you can forgive me," He stuttered, nervously looking at his wife.

But she just hugged him, pulling him close.

"I love you. I'm sorry I overreacted," She mumbled into his shirt.

"I love you too baby, Merry Christmas." He held her close.

"Merry Christmas hubby." She smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

The holiday was overall dramatic, but they were so happy that the day went amazing.

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