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Jasmine never expected to find anything in New York other than hatred.

She knew she would hate how crowded it was, how rude the people were and how gross it smelled.

She wasn't used to any of this, being from a small town in England only exposed her to so much. Either way, she only expected to go visit her dad on this vacation and that was it. She would've never expected to question everything she thought though.

Once her plane landed and she passed through the busy airport she walked outside and glanced around, tall buildings nearly everywhere in sight. 

It was nice, but nothing was better than England.

She arrived at her dads apartment an hour later, after dealing with a crowded Subway and nearly collapsing after running into the, what she called, Turning-Handles-From-Hell way too hard.

She had never been to America or anywhere too close to it. Her dad always travelled to her so it never came up. But he got a new job in this musical and Jas' mom insisted that she go visit him and get used to New York, as she would be expected to visit often.

"How do you like everything so far?" Her dad asked once they were sat at a small diner.

"It's loud and it smells. The sky isn't too pretty but the lights make it pretty," Jasmine commented, her thick accent shining through, something it often did.

"Loud and smelly? Sounds about right," He laughed, looking at his daughter.

"I need friends," Jasmine decided, setting her coffee cup down.

"I mean, there's some young people on the set of the show I'm working on," Ron informed her, Jasmine nodding.

"Okay. Tell me about them?" Jasmine asked, now slightly curious.

"Yeah. Girl about your age, 25, her names Lily and she's sweet, reminds me a lot of you. Anthony, he's 23, single and a really sweet guy, super funny too. You'll get alone with him well, I know it," Then he brought up a few more of the girls and Jasmine nodded, slightly overwhelmed.

"So you want me to talk to this Anthony guy...? Dad, you know I'm not looking to date.." Jasmine trailed off.

She never had the best luck with guys. Her ex only dated her for the sex, the minimal sex they even had, and barely ever spoke to her. The guy before cheated on her with her best friend and that friendship ended very quickly.

"I'm not saying you have to date him, I'm saying he's nice and your mom says you two would be cute together,"

"You and mom talk about my love life together...!? I haven't even met this guy dad!" Jasmine groaned, shockingly not surprised that her parents were deeply involved in her love life.

"Well you're meeting him tomorrow, you can bond over teenager shit," Ron nodded, paying the waitress.

The father and daughter pair walked through the streets of New York, finding their way back to Ron's apartment an hour later. Once Jasmine got into 'her' bedroom she collapsed onto the bed, sighing and texting her friends about this guy she was being forced to meet.

Jasmine was jet lagged, she was jet lagged beyond belief.

Once her dads alarm went off at 3am in New York City, everything in her woke up and she knew she wouldn't be sleeping for a long time.

She had to prepare for the day anyways, she was meeting her dads coworkers.

She showered, fixed her hair, changed into some cute clothes and did her makeup..all at 3 in the morning.

When her dad walked into the kitchen he looked slightly surprised to already see her up.

"Why are you up so early?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Jet lagged," She mumbled into her coffee cup, her father nodding in reply.

"Well, we're leaving in about thirty minutes," He informed her, Jasmine nodding.

After thirty minutes and an hour train ride to the city, Jasmine was at the set for her fathers current show, some Netflix one he just started on.

Jasmine had already quickly stopped by the trailers of the girls who her father told her about, now leaving that Anthony guy her dad wanted her to meet. Jas felt nervous for some reason and she didn't know why she felt the urge to constantly fix her hair and make sure her makeup looked alright.

Her dad walked into Anthony's trailer, pulling Jasmine in with him.

"Ant..! This is my daughter I was telling you about, Jasmine," Ron smiled proudly at his not-so-little girl.

"Hey," Anthony smiled at her and that's when Jasmine finally looked up at him.

He had curly hair, similar to hers in every way. There was freckles dotting his face and he had this cute little smile that Jasmine couldn't help but blush at. He was everything Jasmine wanted...but Jasmine wasn't here for love, she was supposed to hate this random (also very smelly) city.

"Jazzy," Ron mumbled, gently nudging his daughter when she didn't respond and just stared at Anthony.

"Shit sorry," Jasmine blushed, "Hey, I'm Jasmine," She smiled at him.

Anthony couldn't help but blush at the fact that this gorgeous girl was staring at him.

"Well you two, I have to get to the makeup trailer. Anthony, you watch my daughter and don't let her leave, okay?" Ron jokingly sent a pointed look to Anthony who nodded nonetheless.

Once the door shut the pair were stuck alone.

"So, your dad told me a lot about you..." Anthony spoke up after the awkward silence almost became too awkward.

"Oh god. What did he say...? Please tell me he didn't tell you the story about me breaking my nose from running into a wall at my 10th birthday," Jasmine sighed, knowing her father enjoyed embarrassing her as often as possible.

"Nah..only good things! You ran into a wall and broke your nose though..? That's the clumsiness I need in a girl!" Anthony slightly joked but it still caused Jasmine's cheeks to heat up.

"I'm a clumsy mess," Jasmine murmured, pushing a strand her hair out of her face.

"Hey I am too! We can be clumsy messes together!" Anthony laughed.

Jasmine giggled, already loving his humor. No. Stop. You shouldn't be attracted to him! Dad would never let that poor guy ever live it down either...!

"Jazzy...? Can I call you that?" Anthony said after thirty minutes of the too talking.

Jasmine had learned a lot in that thirty minutes. Anthony lived pretty close to her dad, a place she remembers her mom mentioning a lot when she told Jasmine bedtime stories as a child. But in those thirty minutes Jasmine realized more than just that. She realized she was slowly developing a crush for this cute, freckle faced guy her dad worked with.

"Mmm yeah you can...! Also what's up..?" Jasmine quickly broke out of her thoughts, looking at the younger man who smiled at her.

"Um, I wanted to know if you wanted to go out on a date tomorrow night? It can be as friends of course like either way is fine just wow you seem so sweet and cool so like if you wanna go out sometime that would be so great..like soooo great!" Anthony rambled on, Jasmine giggling.

"Ant, breathe," She said inbetween laughs, "Of course I'd like to go on a date with you. Um more than friends if you want..?"

"Of course..?" Anthony nodded, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Jasmine's cheek.

Minutes later Ron returned, giving the pair an odd look as he noticed how close they'd gotten in the small time they knew each other.

Jasmine planned to hate New York, but she didn't, she found love there and she knew her love would always be there. He waited for her until the day she saved up enough money to move in with him, the two working alongside each other in multiple projects.

New York was Jasmine's home, Anthony was Jasmine's /home\.

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