Bedtime Stories

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prompt: "The ladies love a guy who's good with kids."

"Ant your turn," Jasmine mumbled into her pillow. It was nearly two in the morning and their daughter was crying her eyes out.

"Do I gotta?" Anthony whined, pulling his wife closer to him.

"Yes, now go," She playfully shoved his arm which caused him to slightly wake up and climb out of bed.

Anthony walked into his daughters room, frowning at the sight of the little girl crying. "Sh sweetheart," He comforted, picking up the four month old girl, "You're fine Mia, daddy's here," He cooed, walking around the room with her.

After about five minutes her cries turned into little whines, the little girls eyes slowly slipping shut. Then Jasmine walked in, accidentally opening the door way too loudly and causing Mia to wake up once again.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry honey, daddy's here, He sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of Mia's room, it was a gift Jasmine's mom had given them.

Mia's cries quieted down once again but her eyes were wide open, staring up at Anthony.
"You say I tell you a story, a bedtime story?" He asked the little girl, knowing she wouldn't respond because well, she couldn't talk yet.

Jasmine stayed in the doorway, Anthony still not exactly acknowledging her presence.

"Once upon a time your daddy met this really pretty girl. Her name was Jasmine and she was so pretty, gorgeous actually. Her name was Jasmine and she was gorgeous, she was beyond talented as well. Oh she was also practically a queen except she got mad at me when I said that because apparently only Beyoncé can be a queen according to her. Well your mommy and daddy started dating and they got really close and moved in together. Then one day when mommy and daddy's friends and family were all together daddy got down on one knee and asked her to spend the rest of her life with him and for some reason she said yes. A year later they got married at this pretty little church and told each other they were gonna love each other forever and ever. Then your mommy got pregnant with a baby. She was scared, she thought I'd leave her but I love her too much to ever do that. When your mommy told me that she was gonna have you I was so happy," He looked down at Mia who was now asleep, "Okay, bored you to sleep, great. Bedtime now," He kissed his daughter forehead because placing her back in her crib. "Goodnight Mia,"

Anthony went to turn out of the room but he ran straight into Jasmine.

"Sorry.." She giggled, Anthony just wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him, "How long have you been standing here?"

"Since you got up honestly. That story was adorable though. You're so good with her,"

"I am? Well you know the ladies love a guy who's good with kids," He joked, Jasmine just giving him a unamused look.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Bedtime for you too Ramos." She moved from his grasp and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the bedroom where they both fell asleep minutes later.

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