Little Love

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It's been a bit!! I'm always on Tumblr, but since i've posted on here they've gotten engaged and it's great!! Anyways, I was bored and wrote a little something because i've been wanting them to have kids lately. Please leave some feedback! I hope you enjoy it!

Jasmine's eyes traced the patterns on the tile floor, her leg bouncing as her hands shook.

The sound of her phone timer made her jump as she shakily stood from her spot on the edge of the bathtub.

She picked up the white stick with shaking hands, her hand going to her mouth as the tears fell down her cheeks.

Jasmine sat on her best friend's couch, grabbing the bag of chips, soon after making a face and rushing to the bathroom.

"Hey, you sick?" Sarah said, walking into the bathroom and sitting on the ledge of the bathtub, holding her friends hair back.

"You could say that," Jasmine mumbled as she stood up and grabbed one of the small cups and filled it up with water to rinse out her mouth.

"You threw up at lunch too." Sarah pointed out, raising an eyebrow as she looked over at the younger girl. "Throwing up when you smell certain foods, that headache, and you said you've been feeling nauseous for the past few weeks. Girl, are you pregnant?" Sarah questioned, a slight smile on her face.

Jasmine couldn't help but smile as she walked out to the living room, making herself comfortable on the couch. "I found out this morning. I've been feeling like shit for weeks, you know that, and I finally took five tests while he was out and they all came back positive. I'm going to be a mom!" She couldn't contain her happiness, her voice getting higher and her smile getting bigger as she announced her news.

"Shut the fuck up. I knew it. You're having a baby!" Sarah squealed, moving across the couch to hug her best friend.

"I can't believe it's real. We've been trying for weeks. I mean, not really but we still have. We haven't prevented it at least." Jasmine smiled, looking down at her still flat stomach, just thinking about how her baby is in there.

"You haven't told Ant, have you?" Sarah questioned, knowing Jasmine's answer by the look on her face. "Hold on, i'm gonna Pinterest this shit." She pulled up her phone, ten minutes later finding one and showing it to Jasmine.

"Oh my god. I love that."


Two weeks later Jasmine was putting the finishing touches on her surprise, closing the lid and going back to finishing dinner.

About two hours later, Jasmine and Anthony were finishing up dinner, Anthony teaching across the table to grab her hand. "This was amazing, baby girl. You know, I think you could be a chef."

Jasmine just laughed, squeezing his hand gently before she stood up to walk back into the kitchen. "Whatever you say Ramos. I have one more surprise!"

Anthony smiled at her when she walked in with a circular container with a lid on top. "What's that, wifey?"

"I want you to open it!" Jasmine sat down across from him again, trying to contain her excitement as she nervously bounced her leg.

Anthony opened the container, being met with 12 cupcakes, 6 decorated with pink icing, the other 6 decorated with blue icing. "What?" He said, just looking at them, his eyes then catching the lid that said in black icing, "Surprise! I'm pregnant! Baby Ramos- Coming Spring 2020!"

"Oh my god. Jas, baby! We're having a baby, oh my god!" He was in utter shock, standing up and picking up his wife. "I'm going to be a dad!"

Jasmine squealed, wrapping her arms around her husbands neck as she laughed. "Yeah you are. I'm so happy! I've been dying keeping this a secret from you!"

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