Chapter twenty three

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**Sophie's POV**
I started fighting them, but obviously, I really couldn't because I was already injured so I did the only thing that I could. "Dad, I need some help" I shouted to no one in particular and suddenly my dad appeared. "Bloody hell" he said and with a puff he vanished a demon and left the other one for me. I was going to kill him with my powers when suddenly the door burst open and Daryl, with the Winchester boys appeared.
"Wait a second before you speak" I said with my hand raised and slowly strangling the demon with the power that I have. When he was finally dead, I turned to see all the other people around me.
"Really Sophie?? Crowley??" Dean said rolling his eyes.
"Yes... actually thanks dad" I said walking towards Crowley and giving him a hug, "No need love, shout if you need something"
"Thanks dad, bye" and with that, Crowley disappear.
"Sophie!! Are you okay?!?" Daryl ran to me and tackled me in a hug, "Yes Dare, I'm fine" I answered returning the hug.
"Seriously?!?! Crowley?!?! You could have called US!!" Sam said with shock in his voice,
"Actually, no... I prefer to call my dad first than call you"
"Dad?!?! Since when you call him dad??" Dean asked with a sarcastic tone,
"Well, when I left you boys, a lot of things happened" I answered walking through the room and trying to clean the mess up.
"Fuck it up" I said and with a snap of my fingers everything was in place,
"You started using your powers..." Sam stated, again, with a shocked tone,
"Yeah, I guess so" I replied with a sarcastic tone and rolling my eyes to him.
"Sophie, can I talk to you for a sec??" Daryl asked me breaking the silence in the room, I just nodded and followed him outside.
"Soph, you nearly got killed..." Daryl stated.
"Yeah, I know" I answered,
"And you used your powers..." "Yeah, I also know"
"And you called your dad..."
"And I could kill my self for saying this and you are gonna probably kill me but I think we need the Winchesters help..."
"Yeah, I kn... WHAT?!?!" I said now really paying attention, "WTF Dare?!?! We don't need their help..." he just stared at me waiting for an answer, "What Daryl, I'm not gonn..."
"Sophie, I know that you know that we can't deal with this hunt alone, we need backup"
"Well, let's call someone else then!!" I replied kind of frustrated at the idea Daryl just suggested.
"Sophie, just this case and then we are off, I am doing it for you!!" He said,
"No Daryl, you know me better, i don't want to be with them, well, at least not with Samuel..."
"I know Sophie but I don't want to lose you, I can't lose you princess... please, just this time"
"But Dare..."
"Please, for me..." he said with a pleading tone.
"Give me two, please..." I said and he left me alone with my thoughts. "Okay Sophie, you perfectly know that you need help and the Winchesters are the only ones that are right here and now, so maybe it won't be a bad idea... no, it is going to be the worst idea ever!! But stop being a bitch and do it for Daryl, just this time Sophie and then like Daryl said, we are off" I thought to myself, made a decision and then called out for Daryl.
"Yeah Sophie..." 
"Okay Dare, you win. But only for this time, and then we are off"
"Yes Sophie, I promise" he said while walking to me so he could give me a hug. We hugged and he kissed my forehead. We stayed like that until someone cleared his throat and made us separate slowly,
"You done with you moment??" Sam asked with an obvious annoyed tone and... jealousy?? I don't know... I don't care.
"What's your fucking pro..." I started to snap back at him but Daryl looked at me and told me to stop and I stopped.
"So... do you want help or not??" Dean asked,
"We have talked about it... and we think that it's the best..." Daryl said calmly,
"We?? Sophie thinks the same...??" Sam asked,
"Yeah Samuel, unfortunately I agree" I snapped back. The Winchester brothers turned to look at each other and nodded.
"So when do we start??" Dean said. I am going to regret this so so bad...
**4 hours later**
"Okay guys, so we have tracked them down, now lets kill 'em" I say getting ready.
"Okay, grab your weapons and lets go" Dean said. We went outside and took our different ways to our cars, "Sophie...??" I heard Sam said, "Hmmm??" I answered him causing him to be shocked, I was also shocked, it has been a pretty long time since we talked and in this time that we were together we didn't exactly talk. "Hmmm... you wanna ride with us???" He asked.
"Nope, thanks" I just answered casually and climb up to the suburban.
"What did he said??" Daryl said,
"He asked me if I wanted to go with them"
"And why you didn't??"
"Not ready yet Dare, not yet" I simply said and turned the radio on.
We arrived to the abandoned mansion where we tracked the demons down. We parked the cars and got out, "Got everything guys??" I asked to the three men, "Yes" they all answer in unison. "Well, lets kill this sons of bitches" Daryl said and started walking towards the house. Our plan was to divide, me with Daryl and the Winchester brothers together, so we could cover more ground and at the end, we would meet at the living room of the house. Daryl and I entered silently to the house. Right in front of us were two demons, but we killed them with ease. Then another two, and the same, and then three, the same. Wow, I thought, there are a lot in here. We searched our part of the house and when we were finished we went to the living room. The Winchesters and us entered at the same time, "How many did you killed??" Daryl asked,
"Like 7 or 8..." San answered, "And you??"
"We killed 7 too" I answered him. "Wow, there were a lot" Dean said, "Yeah, what the hell" Daryl and I said in unison. And in that moment, a sound was made. We snapped our heads to the origin of the sound and saw approximately about 10 demons waiting there for us.
"Fuck" me and Sam said in unison. We turned to look at each other for a second but then I turned my head to the other way.
"Okay, so let's play boys" I said and with that, we started fighting. It was 4 vs. 10, it was kind of difficult and we were loosing. Dean was being hit, Daryl was pinned to a wall and Sam to the ground, and I was busy trying to kill two demons. I killed them and with just a movement of my hands, all the demons were sent flying to the walls.
"Thanks!" I heard someone shout, don't really know if it was Sam or Daryl. I was fighting another one when suddenly I saw that a demon was going to stab Sam.
"Sam!!! Out of my way!!" I shouted and in that moment Sam got out of the way and I threw a knife to the demon, I killed him. The other demon that I was fighting was killed by Daryl. We only missed two, while Dean was still conscious he managed to kill two of them, Daryl also two, Sam one and I killed three.
"Guys, I've got this" I said to the boys while with my powers I strangled the demons and then completely killed them.
"Wow, that was difficult" Daryl said, "Yeah, I agree with you" I answered. Sam was going to get Dean than now was knocked out but I stopped him,
"Sam, I got it"
"Are you sure??"
"Yeah, don't worry" I said putting a hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile, at first his reaction was shocked but then he smiled. I picked up Dean and carry him to the impala.
"Sophie, I'm going to the car..." Daryl said walking towards me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Okay Dare" I answered. Sam opened the door and I left Dean there and then closed it.
"So..." Sam started saying,
"So..." i said,
"So this is it??"
"Yeah Sam, i think this is it..." i said with a truly sad tone. I know that I am mad but I still miss them, i still miss him.
"Okay... can I ask you something??" Sam said,
"Of course Sammy..."
"Are you... you know... with Daryl??" He asked in a shy tone. I laughed and looked at him, "Me and Daryl?? No way!! He is my best friend!!" I started saying and laughing too, "He is handsome and all that stuff but, he is only my best friend" I finished still laughing. Sam was not the only one who has said that, and still, I found it funny. "Ahhh... okay... good" he said nervous,
"Why do you ask??"
"I don't know... I just, it was curiosity. Just wanted to know if you were with someone that loved and care about you" he said. I quit laughing and stood there processing what he just said, "Were you jealous??" I blurted out,
"What??" Sam said nervous,
"Were you jealous??" I asked again, "Mmm... no... I... no"
"Okay" i said.
"This is really it??" He asked again, "I don't know Sam... I really don't know..." I answered. I turned to look at Sam and he was walking towards me. We were so close to kiss, and when he lean forward to close the gap I moved my face so the kiss ended up in my cheek.
"I'm sorry Sam... I'm not ready, not yet... I can handle being with you boys, but kissing you again?? I don't know" I just said and walked to my car.
"Hope to see you soon Sam"
"Hope to see you soon too Sophie... I... I love you" Sam said climbing to the impala and turning the engine on. I turned to look at the car shocked, but answered in a low tone that I only could hear,
"I love you too..." I said the words that I thought I would  never be able to say again and less to Sam Winchester.

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