Chapter twenty two

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**Sophie's POV**
"Are you fucking kidding me?!?!" I exclaimed as loud as I could and obviously gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "Sophie??" "No, I'm gone. Bye" I said rudely as I started walking away from that room. "Sophie!!! Wait!!" I heard Samuel Winchester yell, of all the people I could have seen in the room, the Winchesters were the chosen ones in this fricking moment. "Fuck off you prick!!" I shouted to him as I excited the room with Daryl, Sam and Dean behind me. "Sophie wait!!" Daryl said running to me. "Sophie... Sophie!!!" He shouted now gaining my attention, "WHAT?!?!" I shouted to him angry but not really at him, "Stop being a bitch, shut the fuck up and just wait a fucking second!!" He shouted back. Wow, I thought, I had never seen him like that, now I really got to his nerve. "Okay" I just said calming myself down and I started pacing. "What do you want Winchesters??" Daryl said with a more calming tone but still, with the same anger, "Who the hell are you??" Dean said, "Well I'm Daryl Dixon... and I repeat, what do you want Winchesters??" He answered. "Can we... you know... just talk to her alone??" Obviously Sam said, "Haha, sorry pricks but there's no way in hell that that's happening" Daryl said walking towards me and stopping right next to me in a protective way that I really didn't expected... "We don't want to do this the bad way" Dean said threatening Daryl, "I would love to see ya try" Daryl said with a smirk and that's the moment when Dean explode. He started walking towards Daryl and when he was close to him he raised his fist trying to punch him but in that moment I interfered and grabbed Deans fist in the air, "Don't you dare touch him" I said with so much hatred and anger in my voice that everyone, even me, got surprised. I threw Deans fist away and started walking to the car, "Let's go Daryl, we are just losing our time here" "That's what you think?!?! That you are losing your time?!?" Sam shouted to me and that made me stop on my tracks. "Yeah Samuel, that's exactly what I think"
"Why Sophie?!? We just want to talk to you, I want to talk to you" he said.
I just stood there processing things, until I turned and started walking towards Sam. I stood upon his face and said, "Well, I'm sorry princess but YOU fucked up, not me. So suck it up and accept it. Are you really that stupid to think that I would want to talk to you?!?! Are you serious?!?! After what you did to me, did you really even expected a word from me?!?!" Now I was shouting and tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes.
"Really Sophie?!? You still with that?!?! It was a stupid mistake!!!" Sam said.
"I don't care Samuel, you hurt me and you promised that you would never do it, and yes, as you said I'm still with that!!!"
"Sophie... that's not wha..." Sam started saying but I cut him,
"No!! That's exactly what you meant!! So guess what?!?! I'm not losing my time, not again".
I finish with that, and now very angry and with all the tears streaming down my face, I walked to the car and slammed the door as I climbed up. The three men just stood outside the car watching the scene.
"You know, you fucked up man... and believe me, I know her and she is never gonna forgive ya for that" I heard Daryl say to Sam,
"And who the hell are you to tell me that??" Sam said angry,
"I'm gonna tell you who, I'm the one who was supporting her all this time, I was the one who helped her get through your fucked up mistake, I was the one who had to see her cry for an asshole like you... so don't come to me asking me who the hell I'm to tell you that" Daryl answered and started walking to the car. When he was inside we just watch in silence as the Winchester brothers said something to each other. In that moment Sam just turned to the car and made eye contact with me, I swear I could see guilt in them, but guess what?? I stopped caring about that man a long time ago... so I just broke the eye contact and the next thing they went away.
"How are you??" Daryl asked,
"I don't know..." I simply answered telling the truth.
"We will take about it later princess" I just nodded and with that, Daryl turned on the car and we left.
"Are you hungry??" Daryl asked after a while of silence.
"Dar... I know that you are concerned about me but, can we just go to the motel... please??" I said.
"Yes, of course. Sorry"
"No no, it's okay, I'm just not feeling pretty well" I answered and then silence again. We arrived at the motel and we got out of the car. "Sophie, here" Daryl said giving me the keys, "I will take your things to the room" he finished and I just nodded. I really don't know why I'm like this, I don't even know what I'm feeling: if I'm angry, or confused, shocked or even sad... I really don't know. I arrived to the room and when I went in, i saw from the corner of my eye movement, "Daryl?? Is that you fucker??" I said expecting for an answer but instead of that I got hit in the head. That made me stumble back and nearly fall to the ground. It took me time to readjust myself and then I saw them, "The hell are you??" I said with a high tone trying to catch someone's attention.
"Your own kind bitch" one of the three men that stood there said, "Ohhh... okay, so what do you want??" I said now understanding that they were demons and instead of trying to call somebody's attention, I tried to grab my knife in the most careful way I could.
"Well, that's kind of a stupid question isn't it??" Another one said. I was going to say something when I heard Daryl, "Sophie, you wan..." he started saying but got cut off by the door of our room slamming on his face. "Sophie?!?!?" I just heard Daryl scream for my from outside the room and he trying to break down to door. "Guys, I do not wanna be a buzz killer, but I'm gonna kill you" I said confidently.
"Ohhh really???" One of them said amused.
"Yeah, really" i just answered.
"So what are you waiting for?!?! Bring it on girl!!!" A demon screamed at me and there's when the action started. I killed the first demon with ease, and right know I was handling with the other two. One kicked me and I fell, "Son of a bitch!!" I screamed in pain. I didn't noticed but one of the demons was behind me and now he was choking me. I saw how the other demon started walking towards me and started saying, "You know?? You are so fucked up princess. We are going to kill you and your precious dad" I just stood there trying to fight the other demon so I could breath.
"You can't kill me" I spat at him. "Really?? You want to bet??" He answered me, "Like my best friend said, I would love to see ya try" and that was the last thing that I said.

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