Chapter eight

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**Sam's POV**
I'm going to ask her out, maybe in another moment, right now is not the best moment for that topic. Well, now we know that Crowley has a daughter, and that his daughter is Sophie... Wow, this is so fucked up. Sophie and I went out of the farm and walked back to the Impala were Dean and Bobby were. I need to tell them about Sophie, but maybe until we arrive to the motel. "Are you ok??" I asked Sophie, "Truth?? No, I think I'm broken, well more broken than I was." She said with some tears on her face, I hugged her and kissed her in the forehead. "You're going to be ok Sophie, I will protect you and I won't let anything bad happen to you" I said to her and she asked me "Promise??" "Promise babe" I replied. She nodded and keep walking to the Impala. We opened the doors and entered to the car, Dean and Bobby were looking at us, "What??" Me and Sophie said in unison, "What happened??" Dean said. Sophie turned to look at me and nodded giving me permission to tell them. "We will talk in the motel guys" I replied. Dean and Bobby turned to look at us and they saw that Sophie was crying, Dean turned to me and mouthed me *what happened??*, I replied *we will talk in the motel, please*. Dean seemed to understand and in that moment he turned on the car, and we went straight to the motel.
**Sophie's POV**
We are on our way to the motel, and the truth is that I'm scared, I don't know if it's the idea of Dean killing me because of my dad, or even the idea that I'm Crowley's daughter. "Are you ok??" Sam asked me holding my hand. I didn't answered, I just kept holding his hand and watching through the window how the trees passed by. I didn't know if I was good, I really don't felt nothing. I just felt... Empty, without a soul, without... Everything. I knew I was broken, but this broken??? Jesus, I'm so screwed and I don't know what to do. Sam moved to my seat and hugged me while I was crying and quietly sobbing, thanks god I got him, and I hope he stay by my side. I'm going to kill Crowley and end with this shit now. I'm not a monster like him, I have humanity, and feelings and... Everything he doesn't have.
**2 hours later**
**Sam's POV**
We arrive to the motel, by now, Sophie fall asleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake her up. Dean and Bobby went out of the Impala and leave Sophie and I alone, she kept sleeping, I turned to see how Dean was calling me. I let Sophie go very slowly and went out of the car. I didn't want to have this conversation with my brother and my adoptive dad about Sophie's problem, I was scared from Dean... What if he tries to kill her??? He won't understand, he will just kill her. Well, I need to tell them... "What happened back there Sammy??" Dean said to me, "Well, but first promise me that you won't do anything stupid Dean" "Why wo..." He started saying but I cut him "Just promise it" "Ok Sammy, I promise that I won't do anything stupid" He said, ok he promised it, now, let's just wait to see if he doesn't breaks it... "Sam, just tell boy. You're scaring me" Bobby said to me, I looked at both and said "Sophie's Crowley's daughter". Bobby and Dean didn't say anything, Dean just turned to look to the impala where Sophie was asleep, "No Dean, please. You promise it" I said "Yes Sam, but not with that abomination. She's a monster, she's Crowley's daughter!!! Of what were you thinking when you made me promise not to kill the Kings of Hell daughter?!?!" he said and started walking to the impala with a knife. "No Dean, please!!! You promise!!" I shouted to him while I stopped him. "Sam, get out of my way" he said with an angry voice, "No Dean, you fucking promise" I was trying to calm down but I couldn't. My brother was trying to kill the girl that I love, I won't let that happen. "Why do you care a lot about her Sam?? Hmmm??" He asked me, I turned to look to Bobby, he still in shock, and then answer Dean "I care because I love her Dean, I love her more than I loved Jess. And I won't let anything happen to her, anything Dean. I don't want to lose her like Jess... Please Dean, just stop" Dean stayed in shock, but I think that he is not doing anything wrong after this."Ok Sammy, I'm sorry, I will protect her too, it's not her fault to have a demon for father" he said to me and we hugged. "Thanks Dean for understanding" "Thats why I'm your brother" he replied. I was turning to go wake up Sophie, when suddenly she wasn't anymore in the car. No, please no. Not now.
**Sophie's POV**
I remember Sam screaming to Dean because he didn't want him to kill me. And then, I woke up until I wasn't anymore in the Impala or in my motel room. I was chained up to a desk, it was cold and dark. It smelled horrible and... I don't know what to do. Jesus, I have been kidnapped. I tried to scape by moving in the desk like a worm to see if the chains fell apart, but I couldn't. I was freezing... Why I was freezing?? Jesus... No please no... Fuck. I'm naked. I turn to see my naked body, that's why I was freezing. Agh, I shouted "Sam!!!!!!! Please help!!! Dean!!!" But I was completely alone. I started crying, I couldn't believe it. I'm going to die, naked. I miss Sam, and Dean and Bobby and... Omg. I stopped crying because I heard someone opening the door and then the lights go on. I turned to see who was the one who entered the room and... No, please no, now, I'm really screwed..."Hello daughter, good to see you again"

Faded (A Sam Winchester love story) [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat