Chapter nine

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**Sophie's POV**
Jesus, for all the people that I expected, my dad wasn't even in my options. "Crowley" I said, I couldn't believe it, my "father" kidnapped me and I was fucking naked!!! "Sophie, I see you have been around with the Winchester boys" He said to me. I refuse to talk to him, I didn't want to. "Answer me!!" He shouted and I jumped a little. "No, I won't answer to a monster like you" I said with so much venom in my voice that I felt bad. "I recall you that I'm your freaking monster father" he said while he walked in my direction. I'm dead, if Sam and Dean doesn't come in time, my dad is going to kill me or torture me, I really don't know what is worse. He grabbed a knife and said to me "I'm not going to kill you, that's immoral, but why not torture you. You can't die unless, of course, I die first, your my daughter, so the torture will be eternal and your Winchester boy won't find you ever" he said and in that moment, he started slicing my skin with the knife. I started shouting at the top of my lungs, it hurts so bad. "Ahhhhhhh, ple...please stop..." I said crying, "Mmm, let me think... No" he said and know, he started slicing my legs. It was painful, "Why??" I asked, "Maybe because you are my daughter and you got involved with a bloody Winchester" he said and he stabbed me in the leg twice, I shouted so loud that a window broke, literally it broke. "You are powerful like me... That's impossible..." He said with a scared voice but then he remembered that I was tied up and he started slicing again.
It has passed more than five hours and my throat hurts like hell because all the screaming. "Well dear daughter, enough for today" Crowley said while he opened the door and left. Thanks god its over, please Sam, just find me and help me.
**Sam's POV**
Sophie has been gone for more than 5 hours, no, I could believe that I already lost her. It can't be... "Sam, we will find her" Dean said with a sad voice. I was angry, very angry and I didn't noticed but I shouted to Dean "Dean, you have been saying that since we didn't found her in the car!!!! Please stop fucking lying!!!!" And with that I exploded, I went to the mirror in the motel room and gave it a punch. It broke into little pieces and now my knuckles are all bloody. "Sam, calm down, you're not helping. Bobby is trying his best, please just wait one more freaking hour" Dean said...
**Two moths later**
Today's is the day that two months ago Sophie got kidnapped. Dean, Bobby and I have become nuts looking for her. We know that Crowley kidnapped her, but he is hiding so fucking well. I just wish the best for Sophie, but I'm not giving up until I find her, alive, "Please Sophie, were are you??" I said  to no one while I started crying.
**Sophie's POV**
It's been two months, two fucking months since my father kidnapped me. They are the two worst and fucked up months of my entire life, I have been torture, I came back from the death more times than I can count, I've been stabbed, punched, slapped. I can't, I have a plan, today I'm going to scape and I don't care if it is dead or alive.
"Where are you Sam??" I said to no one while I started crying. My father had told me that I had some powers, well two powers: I can read minds and I can control things with my mind, and when I get angry or I'm in pain, I brake things. But, I only have that powers because Crowley is alive, in the moment that he is dead, puff, they will be gone. So that's the reason I'm going to kill him, I don't want to be a freak and I would never have a demon as a father, not ever. Well, show time motherfuckers. I was alone in the room, Crowley just have left because he got bored of torturing me. I tried to move with my mind the chains that where restraining me but I am too weak. I keep trying and trying until they fall off. I untie myself and the first thing I search are for some clothes, I found a short and a tank top. I put them in, but I didn't notice that my injuries started to bleed again. Jesus, I must look horrible. I started walking to the door when I heard footsteps outside, I hide behind the door and in that moment it opened. My dad, Crowley noticed that I wasn't tied anymore "Where are you my little daughter??" He screamed to me but I didn't knew what to do so I just stayed behind the door. I heard his footsteps and then the door closes only to reveal my hiding place. Crowley turned to see me and with his powers he tried to send me flying across the room, but like he said once, I'm more powerful than him. So I raised my hand and send him flying across the room. He crashed to the wall and fall to the ground. He was bleeding from his mouth, good, now I have advantage. "I will kill you bitch" he shouted at me, so I raised my hand again but now not to send him flying across the room, now it was to make him suffer by crushing his little devilish fucking heart. He started shouting like I never had seen, but I stopped. I realized that I needed to score so I pinned him to the wall and said "I'm free dad, and you should be scared, because  the next time you will see me, is because I'm there to kill you. And you will wish to never had torture me, because I will have something in my mind worse of what you did to me in this 2 months." I said and I knew that I scared to shit out of him. So I knocked him and started running away from that place. I founded my cell phone and a hoodie, I took them and kept running. I found a door and opened it, good, daylight. I stopped for a minute and think... I was free. Now I need to find Sam and Dean.

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