Chapter twenty

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3 months later

**Sophie's POV**
"It has been three months since I last saw the Winchester brothers. I remember that awful night pretty well. When I left and the fight. The first month I was alone, but then I found another hunter called Daryl, I've been with him since then. I've changed a lot, become stronger, colder. I won't lie to myself saying that I don't miss Samuel and that I'm not hurt anymore, because I know that I miss him so freaking much and that I'm still hurt, but... what can I say?? He made his choice and I made mine, and also, yes, I've started calling him Samuel. At first I was so depressed and angry that I contacted my father, Crowley, so he could take me to hell and stay forever there. Actually, I went to hell for three weeks, and then I decided that it wasn't for me, that I needed to continue hunting, that's what I do, that's what I enjoy doing... so I left. But curious thing, in that three weeks my father and I grew closer and had a great time in each others company, so now I don't really mind being the king of hell's daughter, actually it's pretty amazing. I also discovered that I had powers, but truth is that I don't really like using them. Well, back to the point, Daryl and I are in a hunt, we really don't know what creature we are hunting but we think it's a wendigo..." "Sophie??" Daryl said snapping his fingers in my face so I could react. "Sorry Dar, I zoned out" I apologized, "No worries, you actually scared me. Thought you had a concussion or something and you were writing mad things in that journal of yours" he said causing me to laugh at his stupid comment. I just looked at him and continued writing on my journal, yes, I have started a journal, it helps me feel more relaxed and happy. "Well, I haven't introduced him, have I?? Well, his name is Daryl Dixon and he is the same age as Samuel, 28 years. He has long brown hair and beautiful blue sky colored eyes. He's not that tall but he's not that short either. And we'll, he's my best friend, he helped me with the Samuel thing and since then, he never left my side although he knew how broken I was, and that I was Crowley's daughter. He always makes me laugh when I'm sick and tired of the world, and that's why I love him so so much. And he is a truly amazing person." And with that, I closed my journal and called out for Daryl. "Daaaaaarrrrrr!!!! Where the fuck are you?!?!" I screamed so he could hear me, "I'm down in the basement Soph!!!!" He shouted back. I got up from the couch and started walking to the basement. Right now we were staying at a cabin in Colorado that used to be Daryl's brother, Merle."When are we gonna hunt this son of a bitch?!?!" I shouted again deciding that walking all the way to the basement wasn't happening, so I returned to the couch. "You and your beautiful vocabulary Soph" Daryl said from behind me making me scream because I haven't heard him go up the stairs. "You jerk!!!! You scared the shit out of me!!!!" I screamed again but now recovering from the early scare that he gave me. Daryl just gave me a glare and started laughing his ass off. "What are you laughing at jackass??" I said now chuckling with him, "You should've seen your face!!!!" He said now laughing more than he was, "Shut up yes!!" I said punching him playfully in the arm. Then, we just started to laugh both. Truth is that I haven't laugh this much since I left the Winchester brothers... but well, look at me now, laughing my ass off with Daryl. "We should stop Dar, I'm gonna puke" I said still laughing, "Okay, okay... let's calm down, I don't want to see you puke" he said in between breaths indeed, trying to calm down. After we calmed down we discussed the case a little bit and decided to go out to hunt this "wendigo" (we still don't know what the fuck is that we are hunting). "Okay, so let's go hunting" we both said in unison and went to get our bags.
The car ride was full of singing and laughing, again. Until we stopped the car and went out to search in the woods for the creature. "You sure it was here Dar??" I asked impatient because we have walked a lot but found nothing. "Yeah Soph, just shut up and let me concentrate... you are like a little kid woman" he said from in front of me gaining a middle finger from my part. "But really I'm fu..." i started saying but was interrupted by a loud roar. Daryl turned to look at me and nodded, and in that moment we started running as fast as we could following the sound. Well, at the end we found the wendigo, yes, it turned out the be a wendigo, and killed it. "Good hunt ahh??" Daryl said to me laughing because when we were running I fell down and made a huge scar on my cheek with a fucking branch. "Dar, you need to learn how to shut the hell up your pretty little mouth" I spated at him while rubbing my cheek, "And so you know, it hurts like a son of a bitch" that caused a laugh escape Daryl's mouth. We continue walking until we found the car and climbed up, "So what you wanna listen??" He asked me knowing that anyway I was going to put my music. "Let me just plug in my phone and put aleatory" I said already starting to plug in my phone and open Spotify . I put aleatory and "Carry on my wayward son" started playing. "Really Soph?!?! You always put that song!!" Daryl exclaimed at my choice of song, and it was true, i always listened to that song, but it was more for the memories that I have had with that song and the Winchester brothers than anything else, hell... how I fucking miss them.


A/N: so hey guys, sorry I haven't updated but my phone died and writing in the iPad is not that easy, well for me, so I'm trying my best to update. And sorry for the boring chapter but it's just kind of how Sophie's life works around Daryl, so hope you enjoy.

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