Ch. 15: Tieri Awakens

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I wake up and head downstairs. I run to the kitchen and see Tieri sitting there. I run to him and wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me and I don't realize that I am crying until Tieri pulls away and wipes my tears away.

I say,“I told you I wasn't going to let you die."

Tieri smiles and I say,“Niklaus saved you. But Marcel and I kinda got into a fight."

Tieri asks,“How bad?"

I say,“Um he knows that I am a hybrid. I also kind of clawed him."

Tieri winced and says,“Marcel will forgive you." 

I say,“I don't think that I will be able to forgive him. He used the excuse of the werewolves were there for Klaus as to why you were dying. I can't forgive him for that."

Tieri says,“You need to know that Marcel knew Niklaus was a alive before he was in New Orleans."

I exclaim,“What?!"

Tieri says,“Marcel knew Niklaus was alive before he showed up at your birthday party."


I turn and blur into some clothes. I blur downstairs and am stopped by Kol.

He says,“I believe you need to tell me where you are going."

I say,“I am going to New Orleans to beat the crap out of Marcel."

Kol asks,“Would you like to torture him?"

I say,“Actually I would but afterwards."

Kol smiles and says,“You go have fun now."

I smile and say,“That's another reason why I liked you more than Finn."

He kisses the top of my head and moves out of my way. I blur out of the Mikaelson mansion and head to the Salvatore boarding house.

Niklaus' POV

I wake up as I hear Elijah and Kol arguing. I blur into some clothes and head downstairs.

I ask,“What is all the commotion?"

Elijah has Kol by the throat against a wall as he replies,“Our dear brother here let Natalya go back to New Orleans by herself."

I ask,“Why is that bad Elijah?"

Elijah says,“Kol you tell Niklaus."

Kol smiles and says,“She's going to beat up Marcellus."

I ask,“Why is she going to do that?"

The vampire, Tieri I think his name is, comes out of the kitchen and says,“Because she found out Marcel knew you were alive years before you came to her birthday party."

I nod and ask,“So let me get this straight, Natalya is going to New Orleans to beat up Marcel because he knew that I was alive before I showed up at her birthday party?"

Tieri nods and I ask,“Why?"

Tieri says,“Marcel saw how she looked at you when she was human. She was broken when I met her. She talked about you for a long time. I guess Marcel grew to have some type of feelings towards her. But she always loved you. She did fancy Marcel at one point but she always loved you. She and I even tried dating but I knew that she loved you. I didn't mind. I told her that we should just stay friends but that I also understood her feelings. She agreed and we have been close friends ever since. Marcel never told Natalya that you were alive. That's why she is going to New Orleans."

I try to take it all in and next thing I know I have Tieri pinned to the wall by his neck. He struggles to get away.

I say,“If you ever touch her-."

Tieri says,“No Klaus. I wouldn't. She is like a sister to me now. Besides I have a girlfriend."

I let him go and turn to Elijah and say,“Lets go to New Orleans brother."

We head to New Orleans with Tieri following.

Natalya's POV

I knock on the door and Damon opens it. He looks surprised that I am standing there.

I ask,“How would you like to accompany me on a little road trip?"

He asks,“What's in it for me?"

I say,“Best alcohol in New Orleans and you can kill a couple of vampires that tried to kill me."

He says,“You had me at alcohol."

I take his hand and we vamp speed it to New Orleans.



Holy crap! Marcel knew that Niklaus was alive and never told Nattie??  Oh that's just cold. What do you think might happen??

Will Elijah, Niklaus, and Tieri be able to stop Natalya and Damon?

Will Marcel live?






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