Ch. 12: Witch of a Wake-up Call

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Niklaus and I wake up and blur outside. I see werewolves. I look at Niklaus and he looks at me. I look down and see Tieri on the ground bitten. I launch myself over the railing and land in a crouch. I check Tieri and see that he is unconscious. I feel a few presences behind me. I look up at Niklaus and mouth for him to stay there. He nods and I stand up. I turn and my eyes are glowing red. I growl at the other werewolves and the turn and submit. I roar at them and they get up and run. I go to Tieri and pick him up.

I feel someone behind me. I turn and see that it is a werewolf. He growls and I lay Tieri on the ground and turn halfway. I feel my hands turn into paws. I circle him and he lunges. I growl and slash at him. He turns all the way and I do the same. I run at him and slam him to the ground. I grab his throat in my muzzle and rip it out. He dies instantly. I hear movement and turn to look at Tieri. He sits up and sees me. I whimper at him and he reaches out slowly and touches my fur. I change back into my human/vampire form. He gasps and I look at him.

I say,"I am not the werewolf who attacked you."

He stands up and say,"You were the one who saved me."

I nod and he collapses. I catch him and pick him up.

I say,"I need to get you to the Bennett witch."

Tieri says,"That were here for Niklaus. They were going to take him to the werewolf girl who carries his child."

I say,"Save your strength."

Marcel walks in and asks,"What happened here?"

I say,"I will explain when I get back. I need to get Tieri to the Bennett witch."

Marcel says,"You are not going anywhere."

I say,"For Tieri's sake, I saved him and fought off a huge pack of werewolves without your stupid minions Marcellus!! He will die if I don't get him to Bonnie Bennett! NOW Move or I will snap your neck."

He moves and I run with Tieri in my all the way to Mystic Falls, Virginia. I am a blur so no one sees us. I arrive at the doorstep of the Bennett's house. I knock and a girl who looks like Emily answers the door. I forgot that I am covered in the dead wolf's blood and she gasps.

I say,"Please I need Bonnie. He's going to die if I can't find a cure."

Bonnie comes to the door and she asks,"Natalya what's wrong?"

I say,"Tieri."

She opens the door and I step inside. She closes the door and her Grams comes out of the living room.




Natalya and Bonnie know each other???

Who's the girl that looks like Emily Bennett??

Natalya's a werewolf and a vampire hybrid??





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